𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17 - 𝓡𝓮𝓫𝓸𝓻𝓷

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Nobody's POV
After Levi had got changed he headed down to the training area to work on his hand-to-hand combat. A few cadets greeted him on the way down but he simply shrugged it off and ignored them with his ice cold expression.
Hanji was busy blagging Moblits head about her Titan experiments. But he wasn't even listening to his squad leader seeing as though she did this daily and learned not to question it.
Erwin was in his office doing paper work and was working out a better and safer formation for the next expedition. He didn't want to put his comrades through something as tragic as the last one so he decided to hold it off for another month. It's been two weeks since Maya's death and the atmosphere within the survey corps wasn't the same. Even though they hadn't seen her for over a month, just knowing that she died the first time that they saw her again broke their hearts. Especially Levi's.
It just wasn't the same. Hanji tried her best to bring back the once enthusiastic cadets. But her luck was to no avail.
Unknown POV
"So the queen has died in the human world then correct?" A venomous voice spoke out.
"Yes sir. She had risked her life for her human friends to save them from the Titan creatures." Here voice whimpering spoke out.
"Bring her to me." He shouted.
The servant bowed in respect and ran off to retrieve the queen.
"This should be interesting..." he said with a wicked smile.

Some time later -
The servant came back with a bag on his shoulder that looked like it had some weight to it.
"Take it out of the bag." The man commanded.
The servant did as so. All of a sudden a beautiful pale woman was lying on the floor lifeless.
"My sister has arrived!" He shouted. The mysterious man walked over to the body and picked her up.
"Time to wake up now.." he whispered in her ear.
Suddenly the woman's eyes fluttered open magic surrounds them. She looked confused but instantly knew who was holding her.
"Damian... I'm suppose to be dead... Why am I here?" She spoke.
"Maya... you know I couldn't just leave you there in that coffin... You have to live!" He shouted.
"I risked my life for them remember. I don't regret doing what I did but if I shall live there has to be a price. I'm not stupid." She answered. She was a smart woman and everyone knew that.
"You have to give up your humanity and be a full time angel. That's the only price." He answered.
"I accept!" She shouted.
He nodded in appreciation and started to mumble something that she couldn't understand.

Maya's POV
Damian was saying something that I couldn't understand. All I knew is that I could feel a burning pain in my chest. That was my humanity going. I knew the cost but I would do anything to see Levi again...
the burning just got worse and worse. I was screaming in agony as my brother held my shaking body. I clutched my chest and starting breathing heavy. Wishing for the pain to stop.
"God job Maya. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that pain... But hey your wings are now permanently on your back!" He shouted with a soft smile on his lips.
"Thank you Damian! I'll see you soon-" at that moment a tear slipped out of Damians eye. I looked at him confused but then it finally clicked. What's been given has to be taken. "Damian you idiot! Why the hell would you give up your life up for me!" I shouted tears threatening to fall.
"You still have to live to fight off the titans. You have to save the world Maya... I love you my dear big sister..." he said as he drew his last breath.
"I love you too..." Then his grip on my shoulders loosened as his body collapsed onto mine. "Your at peace now little brother I swear to you that  I will eliminate all titans and I will make the most at my second chance at life."
With that I laid him down and bowed my head in respect. I walked out of the palace and was greeted by demons, dragons angels etc. They all bowed down to me.
"My fellow citizens! I am sorry that I left you all for some time but I will have to do the same again. I have to save the humans! I give my crown for the meantime to my dragon Cilla! She's currently not here right now along with the other three but they will accompany me on my adventure into protecting earth. Farewell!" I shouted and started to cast a teleportation spell. I just realised that I still look like my corpse. I cringed at the sight. "Guess it's time to get a make over!" I smiled to myself.
Time to see my cadets again...

Erwins POV
Another day in the Survey Corps and I'm still doing paperwork. Hanji has occasionally been completing hers but Levi hasn't. It's been two weeks and none of the work that I have sent him has been done. I sighed in disbelief. He's been through grieving before... But not like this...
I looked out of the window to find the three dragons that Maya had left behind flying around as free as a bird. They truly are beautiful creatures. Just like their Mother...  If only she was here to see them grow.
"Better go find Levi and confront him about the paperwork for the upcoming expedition." I mumbled to no one in particular. My eyebrows furrowed together creating a look of confusion on my face.
"Why do we have these creatures if they don't listen to us?" I questioned myself. Maya you should have lived...
So many questions yet zero answers to be answered.
A loud screeching was heard. I looked out of the window to find the dragons flying away causing some sort of panic upon the walls. What is it? A Titan? They've reacted to one before but not like this... Normally they would sit on the walls and wait for them. Once a Titan comes close to the walls one of the dragons will 
burn it into cinders.
But this time it was different. They wouldn't make a big fuss over it. But for some reason they are...
I walked out of my office and went outside to see what they were doing.
I was greeted by an unforgettable sight.
A very familiar pair of wings flashed passed my eyes when the dragons crowded around them. The bright pink flames were surrounding them as they hovered in the air. The dragons slowly lowered to the ground creating a path way for the person to get through.
All of a sudden I was greeted with Rare red eyes and long blonde hair that was swaying as the girl walked passed the dragons.
Her eyes tear up as she walked towards me.
"Erwin..." She said trying her best not to break down.
I speeded up my walked and hugged her.
"Maya... I thought you were dead? I'm so happy to see you!!" I shouted. A smile crossing on my once gloomy face. She pulled out of the embrace and looked at me with tears running down her cheeks. This time not bloody ones that stained her cheeks. She had a genuine smile that I missed so much..
"I missed you 'Dad'" she said in quotation marks and she giggled to herself.
"We need to get you to Levi as soon as possible... I'm afraid he's a completely different person.. Maya your the only one who can help him.. Please tell him your true feelings and live happily! I can't see you die in his arms again... it's still breaking my heart even though your here right in front of me." I said a frown appearing on my face as I remember the memories.
"Levi... I promise to bring him back. And that's something that I am not backing out of this one." She said in a confident tone of voice.

So our girl has made an epic comeback and plans to help Levi once again! To be continued...

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