LeeBury - Next Victim (Part 2)

Start from the beginning


            "You are the most backwards, crazy, insane priest I have ever met. That's all I have to say. Now... U-Uh..." His face suddenly turns beet red as Samuel took off his boxers, his cock standing at attention against his stomach. Samuel hums, smiling as he walked up to Lee and kissed him on the lips quickly. Lee moans softly, closing his eyes and allowing him to passionately indulge in pleasure. Samuel slides his hands up to Lee's waist, squeezing him gently, and then moving a hand down to his ass. Lee whimpers softly as Sam squeezed, excitement bolting up his cock. Samuel pulled away from Lee's lips, kissing along his jawline and down his neck. He hums, sucking a few small red marks into his neck, which disappeared after a moment, he didn't want to leave a hickey. Lee whines, moving his hands up and down Sam's back.
"Ahhh... Samuel... Please..." He begs softly. Sam gently bites a sweet spot on Lee's neck, making him moan sharply.
"Shhhhh, I know... I'm getting there..." He grabs the lube and slicks up his length, looking up at Lee with a bit of embarrassment.
"Um... Turn around please- or, get into a favorable position..." He says quietly. Lee bites his lip, suddenly getting an idea.
"How about... You sit down... And I take a seat?~" He proposes, reaching down to Samuel's length and pumping it slowly. Samuel flinched at first, but quickly melted into the pleasure. He sits down in the chair and leans back, whimpering desperately at the pleasure he was receiving.
"Ahhh... I forgot what this feels like... Mmm..." He blushes deeply. Lee smirks, straddling Sam's cock, facing away from him, making the smaller man blush. He positioned himself carefully and slowly started moving down. Samuel gasps as his tip slid into Lee, the tight heat around his cock was almost electric. He moaned deeply as Lee sat down fully, his cock buried deep inside him.
"Ahhhh... How you doing down there Sam?" Lee asks. Samuel whimpers, desperate for pleasure. He squeezes Lee's sides.
"Please... M-move..." He whines. Lee smiles, starting to bounce on Samuel's cock slowly. Sam whimpers, leaning back in the chair and allowing Lee to go at his own pace, which was gradually getting faster and faster.
"Ahhh! Lee! Oh please!! D-Don't stop!" He begs, feeling the heat in the pit of his stomach gradually climbing to a boil. Lee huffs, quickly bouncing on Sam's length, starting to feel the tension building as well.
"I won't!! Ah!" He growls lowly, starting to bounce on Sam's cock as fast as he could. Samuel moans sharply, the tension growing fast, pressure building in his cock.
"Yes!! Please!!!" He gasps, suddenly holding into Lee, tensing up and desperately clutching at him as he came hard inside him. Lee whimpers sharply, coming hard onto himself as he slammed down hard onto Sam's cock.
"Ahhh!!! Samuel!!" He huffs, quickly relaxing as he sat in Sam's lap. Samuel blushes, tapping Lee's shoulder.
"Lee? I-I... Um..." He clears his throat, suddenly bashful. Lee pulls off of Sam, and turns to face him, smiling.
"Yes? Something the matter?" He asks. Samuel shakes his head.
"No, nothing is wrong... Um... Before you leave, and... turn me in... Can you fuck me?" He asks, his cheeks red. Lee blushes.
           "Do you want that?" He asks. Samuel suddenly has a lapse on sanity.
           "A-Actually... Nevermind, I feel guilty enough as it is... I..." He pauses. He takes a deep breath, and puts his priest garments back on. Lee starts putting his clothes back on as well.
          "That's alright, it's okay to feel guilty." Lee says, straightening out his clothes. Samuel sighs.
          "Get out. Now." He demands, opening a drawer to his desk. Lee blinks, starting to leave.
          "Okay... Well... I'll call this in... And, they'll come for you." He says. Samuel huffs, leaning against his desk.
          "Don't... Don't call anyone... Not yet..." He sounded like he was about to cry. Lee frowns, turning back to set a hand on Sam's shoulder.
          "Samuel? Are you alright?" He asks. Sam whips around, yelling.
          "I said get out damnit! Get out!" He yells furiously, tears treating down his cheeks. Lee frowns, turning back and leaving Sam's study. He walked out of the church somberly. He cursed himself for tempting-... no. He was corrupt, it wasn't his fault. This was for the good of everyone. He walked up to his car, unlocking it.

          A sense of dread suddenly went through his chest, making him stand up straight and look around. Something was going to happen. Exactly what, he didn't know. The ground suddenly shook under his feet, and an explosion erupted out of the church. He ducked for cover, rubble flying as more explosions went off. Stained glass broke, pillars crumbled, church bells fell, the entire church was collapsing. Tears pricked his eyes as he watched the spectacle unfold. He covered his mouth in shock as smoke billowed from the ruined church into the sky.
          "Samuel..." He whimpered quietly. It all happened so fast. Just a moment ago he was talking with Samuel, and now he was surely dead. Fire blazed from the ruins of the church, and he could hear police sirens. He got into his car, and simply sat there, gripping the steering wheel.
          "Fuck this town..." He cursed, sniffling as he wiped his eyes.
          "Samuel... You..." He sighs, rubbing his eyes. He didn't even know the guy, but he felt horrible for letting this happen.

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