"So how does it feel to be a father?" Taehyung asked. Kook shrugged.

"Is there a way to get rid of it?" Jimin wondered. "Not that I don't like it or anything! In fact, I think it's adorable! I'm just thinking about the implications of, you know, giving life." 

Jungkook responded with a simple closing of his palm. The fire was extinguished, and smoke rose from his fingers.

"Holy shit, did you just kill it?" Hoseok shrieked. The others had similar expressions on their faces. Kook just giggled and reopened his palm. Concentrating briefly, the smoke gathered itself and coalesced into the familiar figure once again. It's big eyes blinked up at its creator, then it shrugged and began dancing again.

"Don't worry, my little buddy is fine. Aren't you?" He stroked what he thought was its cheek with his finger.

"I have a question," Nana raised her hand. He nodded at her to continue speaking. "So can you only do this with fire? Or is this, like, only limited to elements?"

"Let's find out," he grinned. He extinguished the flame once more (it wasn't able to survive without some sort of contact with him; a problem he'd have to solve in the future), and began conjuring up water. Similar to the fire, the large orb of liquid soon popped out a body and face.

"Welcome to the world, my friend," he greeted, before closing his hand. Next, he tried it with dirt and was rewarded with yet another little guy. He tried briefly with air, but all that resulted was a largely transparent version–though, Namjoon had the idea to dunk his hand in water and then it was much more visible.

When he attempted to enchant other things, he was unsuccessful but figured it might eventually work as he advanced in his magic skills.

"You should name them something cool," Yoongi chimed in.      

"Like air-benders, fire-benders, water-benders, and earth-benders," Hoseok offered.

"Yeah, and look how good that turned out for them. I don't want my creations to go to war with each other," Jungkook disproved. "Plus, they're not exactly 'benders', they are the elements."

"Just name them 'elements' then," Nana said, not really trying as far as creativity goes. 

"That's so bland."

"And? It gets the job done."

"My children deserve more flavor than that."

"Oh, so they're your children now? What are you, their mom?"

"Well, I think it's more of a god situation right now–"

"Yeah, that's enough," Jin held up a hand. "Kids, control yourselves. Jungkook, you can leave the naming for later. Right now, we have a bigger problem: is this legal?"

 "Huh, I guess that is a problem."

"Hold up," Namjoon pulled out his phone, rapid-fire typing in Google. "Is...giving...life...legal...question mark. All that's popping up is stuff about pregnancy."

"Obviously," Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Give me a sec," with a flick of his wrist, a musty book appeared on the floor in front of them. "Here are all of the laws in place right now...let me do my handy-dandy 'find' spell...keyword 'create'."

The group watched as the pages flipped, magically highlighting the word as it went on. Then, he chanted quickly, giving him the ability to speed-read and read each one within seconds.

"You have got to teach me how to do that," maknae line breathed.

"No cheating, kids," Namjoon scolded. Yoongi winked at them when Joon looked the other way. 

"Honestly, I'm not seeing anything in here that says no, so that means it must be fine."

"Maybe it's because no one's done it before," Hoseok pointed out.

"Either way, there's no law, so Kookie, you're in the clear,"  Yoongi gave him a thumbs up.


As time went on, Jungkook began mastering his skills (of course, his hyungs advised him to keep it on the down-low, since they weren't sure if he would get in trouble or not). Soon, he realized he could let the little creatures free in his apartment without them disappearing.

Then, he found a way to make them do his bidding...but not more than, perhaps, a young child would follow their parents' rules. 

And then, to top it off, he discovered he could switch ownership, for lack of a better term. As long as he had the consent of his creation, then they would belong to anyone he chose. 

Namjoon and Jin became proud owners of water elements, Yoongi and Hoseok earth, Taehyung and Jimin fire, and Nana air. They arranged playdates between their new charges as well, giving them even more of an excuse to meet up constantly. The new additions to their family were absolutely adorable, and they loved Jungkook like no other (Hoseok showered Jungkook in kisses when he received his, and Yoongi wouldn't let go of his hand).

However, scenes like this were a daily occurrence:

"Don't touch that shirt! Don't you dare–" Jimin rushed over, but, unfortunately, his poor shirt had sustained several burn marks. "You're so lucky we have magic, young one. Go stand in the corner and think about what you've done."

"Terrible twos, am I right?" Taehyung sighed. "Mine burnt my homework to a crisp the other day. Imagine explaining that to your professor."


i'm back!!! i've absolutely fallen in love with magic!bts, specifically witch!bts....bruh they should not be endearing like this it's just not fair...like imagine nature witch yoomgi, potion master joonie, elemental witch kookie.....[heart eyes x infinity]

if you couldnt tell im in a really soft mood lately (but only for bts...other than that it is stress to the max)

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