Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Lena was happy, happier than she'd ever been. In the weeks that followed the hand-fasting the sun shone brighter in her eyes, the air felt clearer in her lungs, and sounds resonated more vibrantly in her ears. She felt freer than she ever had before, and she loved Edmund more deeply than she ever thought possible.

"I've been thinking about something a lot recently," Edmund began as he dropped to his knees before her. Sara was nearby gathering wildflowers with a Dryad.

"Oh? I do hope you didn't strain anything," Lena teased, looking up from the book she'd borrowed from the library.

"Ha. Ha. You're funny. No. I've been thinking about us, about our family." He glanced down at her stomach.

"You've been thinking about having another?"

"I have," he admitted. "Is that wrong of me? Please, say it isn't."

Lena smiled. "It isn't wrong of you, and I'll let you in on a little secret." She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "I've been thinking about it too."

"Really?" His eyes went wide with excitement. Lena nodded. "Brilliant! You're brilliant! I love you. Have I told you how much I love you lately?" He kissed her repeatedly on her cheeks, her nose, her lips, anywhere he could find a place.

"When can we start?" he asked. Lena laughed softly at his enthusiasm.


"Eddie! Come look at this one!" Sara called.

"Right now, you have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Actually, I'm thinking it's about time Princess Sara took her nap."

Lena laughed. "Good luck with that one; she hasn't napped since Christmas."


"I'll be right there, Topa," Edmund called over his shoulder. "We could always let Peter and Susan have a little quality time with her."

"Eddie, hurry!"

"Perhaps, but right now you better do as the little Princess commands or there'll be no time for anything else," Lena said.

"Don't move. I'll be right back." Edmund kissed her again before running off.

Lena smiled as she watched him go. He showed Sara just as much enthusiasm as he had with her. In the other place, having another child was an impossible dream for them; now, Lena allowed herself to believe in the impossible. Perhaps they could have a son this time. Edmund would teach him to fight; Nalsa would teach him how to hunt. He could be as protective of Sara and Meri as Edmund and Peter were of Susan and Lucy.

Edmund looked over his shoulder at her and smiled as though he knew what she was thinking.

Deep beneath the penetrating happiness and joy, however, Lena knew something was off. The aching of her arms and legs had only gotten worse. It was deeper and more frequent. Oftentimes it was followed by a weak spell where Lena felt faint and short of breath. These moments left her feeling tired, and she found her appetite waning.

She knew what all of this meant, deep down she knew. And she hid it from everyone she could. She smiled through the aches, and she passed off the shortness of breath by saying Edmund had stolen it away. There was always one who saw, one she could not fool.

"You're doing it again, Lady Ileana," Nalsa said quietly.

Lena instantly stopped massaging her hand.

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