Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

London, 1951

There was something about sitting in the dark that Lena found unsettling. The barbaric bestia of the past could roam free and the quiet solitude was oppressive, constricting the flow of air to her lungs. Or perhaps that was the dress she wore. The black dress she wore could have given the red-silk one a run for its money. Little King didn't like it, but then he didn't like anything about the plan.

"You don't have to do this, Lena. We can find someone else or find a different way," he said.

"Not this late we can't," one of the agents nearby said as they wired Daniels' flat.

Little King eyed the agent hatefully and Lena saw his arm twitch. She lay a steadying hand on his arm as she pulled his jacket around her shoulders a little more.

"You are certain he is the rat?" she asked.

Little King took a deep breath and nodded. "Sì. It's him."

"Then I can do this. I need to do this. I will make him squeal like a rat in a trap."

Little King's lip twitched into a mild smile.

"Sto bene," she continued. "And you will be just beyond the door with sword in hand."

Little King nodded. "At the first sign of trouble, I will be here."

"I know."

"That covers it," the anent in charge said. "Everyone clear out. Bellariu, you're on."

Lena nodded and slowly slid Little King's jacket off her shoulders, ignoring the looks the other agents gave her."

Little King and the other agents had only been gone for a few minutes, but in the dark it felt like hours. Lena was given a small electric torch but she'd been warned not to use it much so she wouldn't alert Daniels to her presence. She reached in the dark for the glass of wine Little King had left for her. There was another empty glass as well as the whole bottle of wine; she was to offer Daniels a glass. The last thing she wanted to do was offer Daniels anything, but she knew she'd have to end up offering him everything.

She squirmed on the countertop and tried to adjust her dress. The counter may not have been the most comfortable place to sit and wait—the hard edges were digging into the back of her thighs—but it was the most advantageous. Sitting on the counter put things at eye level and since Daniels was taller than Little King, he would still be able to look down her neckline for an unhindered view if he chose to do so, and he would—all men did. Also, when she crossed her legs, the split in her dress came mid-way up her stocking-less thigh. Lena was going to use every trick in her arsenal to make Daniels squeal.

Lena took another sip of wine, her hand shaking slightly. As the lock in the door clicked, she quickly banished all traces of fear from her mind. There was a bit of shuffling around in the dark and the light was blinding. Lena didn't flinch, even as a bag was dropped and some glass shattered. She heard the clicking of a loaded gun being pointed in her direction. She finished off her glass of wine calmly.

"So nice of you to join me."

"Bellariu," Daniels said, surprise and suspicion lacing his voice. "What an... unexpected surprise."

"But with any luck, it will not be an unsatisfactory one." She turned her head to look at him and caught his eyes staring at her chest. He quickly looked away, scanning the room for Little King. The gun, however, remained aimed in her direction.

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