Chapter 13: Dinner

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The restaurant was on the top floor and was just as extravagant as the main lobby. It had warm lighting and a welcoming atmosphere. The restaurant had an amazing view of the city down below, and you wondered what life was like for those that didn't have to sneak around corners with their lover. You shook the thought out of your head and felt relieved that you were able to change into something more appropriate for the setting. Everyone was dressed in their finest. You and Anakin would have stuck out like sore thumbs if you stayed in your jedi robes. Anakin reserved a private room for just the two of you so there was no way you could get caught. He really thought of everything.

You were waiting for your order to come when Anakin reached over and rested his hand on top of yours.

"So, we never got to talk about your meeting with the council the other day. How did it go?"

"Well, basically the council told me that they weren't sure if they were going to grant me the rank of master just yet. Master Windu said that they want to review my notes and see how I do on these next couple missions that they send me on. But with the war just starting, my potential promotion is the least of their worries. It might be a while before they get back to me."

"Do you want to be granted the rank of master?"

"I- I don't know. I have worked so hard the last several years, and I have reached my full potential. But I still feel like it's too soon? I don't know if I'm ready." You looked down at your joined hands and sighed. "I just wish we didn't have to hide. I wish we could hold hands whenever we wanted and go out without worrying about getting recognized."

"I know. I have been having the same thoughts, but we both made an oath to the Jedi order. We just have to give it time and hopefully it will get easier. "

"You're right. We just need to take things day by day."

He smiled at you and squeezed your hand. You were so hypnotized by him, and you had a feeling that he was hypnotized by you too.

Soon enough, your food came and it was delicious. It was nothing like the food at the temple. You still couldn't believe that Anakin arranged this for the two of you. And it was only your first date! You were falling for him so fast, and you wished this night could last forever.

After you both finished eating, Anakin took you up to the rooftop and you both gazed at the stunning city lights. Everything seemed so magical at night time. The temperature was warm and reminded you of the climate on Ahch-To. Anakin wrapped his arm around your waist from behind as you both overlooked the incredible view. He kissed your check and started to whisper something in your ear.

"I love you, (y/n)."

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