Mates!❤️❤️ [Editeddd]

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Ashley's POV

Tristan, Bailey, Dylan and Sydney had gone out. I was listening to what they had to say to him. Im a Werewolf of Course i can hear everything....

"You're gonna need a lot of help" Dylan said

"I mean you said those awful things about her... Now you're her mate?" Bailey said

"Blake are you crying!" Sydney said

"Mhm" Blake replied

Wait Blake was crying? I haven't seen him cry in ages. O my god. Was he so.upset?

"I haven't seen you cry since elementary school. You didn't cry when you got hurt. You didn't cry when your Mom and dad had the accident...." Bailey said

"I can't help it B! I love her. I always have. The only reason i was being rude to her was because i didn't want to admit i fell for her. I wanted to be the first for my mate.
It's just whenever i saw her, i would zone out. Sydney... You saw that. My guy friends always told me to tell Ashley that I like her... But I never had the courage.

She's so beautiful and fantastic and amazing. She is the Alpha's daughter. She is cheer captain..

I come second to her. I'm her Beta wolf... And anyways it's not like she will forgive me anyways. Tell Ashley that she can reject me. I'll deal with the pain because I caused her too much of it." Blake said, crying.

It was heartbreaking. Kenna was whining and pawing at me... Telling me to comfort mate. I wanted too.

I couldn't stop. I had to say something.... I had to.

"B-Blake.." I said softly

When he turned around I could see him wiping his tears but new ones rolled down. His face was red. His eyes were red and probably aching... He looked like hell... And k never wanted to see him like that... Especially since i caused it...

"Did y-you mean all that?" I asked, scared of trusting what he said but I couldn't help it

"Ofcourse. You can reject me. Do it now. Rip off the bandaid." Blake said

He was still crying. I decided that I am not gonna reject him.

"I, Ashley Williams, hereby" I started

"It was gonna hurt so bad. But i deserve it. I made her life hell... In freshman year. I deserve this. I deserve this more than anyone.!" Blake said this, he didn't know he was saying it out loud tho.

When he said that... It hurt... He was willing to feel pain as long as... I don't hurt? He really loves me...

"Accept Blake Carson as my mate" i finished

Yep. I accepted him

"Did you just say accept?" Blake asked

"Yes Blake. I accepted you. But that does not mean I trust you. Not Yet anyways. Just don't cry. My heart breaks to see you cry." I smiled "last time I saw you cry was middle school when you were my friend and we're trying to tell me you are going to leave me to be popular"

He just came to me and hugged me. Whispering "I'm sorry" and "I won't hurt you" again and again To me.... My wolf was going crazy telling me to kiss him...

Kiss him!

Okay okay. Chill out Ken!


"Blake can I do something?" I asked 

"Anything princess" he replied after he stopped his sobbing... And he looked happy... Well as happy as he could with a red face, red eyes and puffy brown cheeks. I love him... I always have and always will.

I put one of my hands behind his neck, and the other in his hair. He looked flushed and surprised. But didn't resist

Then I kissed him. Yes I kissed him. Kenna purred in contentment. (Lol)

He obviously kissed back.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to do that for a long time now.." I said, embarrassed. I didn't want him to Denver me or anything... 

"You don't have to apologise Ashley... Ill do anything for you!" He said and I smiled. He is so cute. 

We kissed again. I just melted into the kiss.

We're mates. And I finally accepted it... I may not trust him yet but I still love him..... Alot

I just hope he doesnt break me... Again.

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