Chapter 13: External Assistance

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"How long till we hit the shore?" A British soldier asked.

"Not long now, give it like, uh, 5 minutes," A British Sargent answered.

The British weren't alone on this ordeal on taking some states from the US and immediately giving them to the Allied States when they were done. France and Germany were also involved as well. Turns out they were each given a specific state. The United Kingdom were told to capture the state of Massachusetts. France was told to take the little state of Rhode Island. Germany was told to take the state of Connecticut. One they have those states captured, they would forward all of the land to the Allied States, which would further help the international assistance for all of the northern squads stuck in New York.

"Alright, here we go. Time to betray our old friend the US and help the new guy!" A British Commander yelled. The British landed in Cape Cod and took it pretty much immediately. Some northern squads were soon quickly told to assist the British, especially with Boston since it was fortified by the United States.

Boston was one of the few cities that wasn't hit with a missile or had any ash from Yellowstone on the ground. US soldiers fought for their lives as Boston started to crumble. As soon as the British took Boston, they safely retreated back to the sea and proceeded south. The Allied States would quickly rush to take the unoccupied spots.

Meanwhile in Rhode Island, France had difficulty taking the small state, but the Allied States swooped in no problem. France retreated as a mark of friendliness to allow the Allied States to take Rhode Island.

In Connecticut, Germany had minor difficulty taking the state capital, Hartford. Germany took the difficulty as an advantage and eventually took Connecticut. Germany would soon flee south and the Allied States took the state shortly after they left.


"Well, we got the help from our new friends," President Greene stated.

"Excellent, any idea what we should do next?" Commander Stormcloak asked.

"Well, we should send some of our squads back to Ebott. Turns out they had an air raid and they're invading the city. After that, we take more states," President Greene explained.

"What about Sumter and South Carolina?" Commander Stormcloak asked.

"Draw them out of there. They'll all die if they're left fighting," President Greene asked.

"Gotcha boss," Commander Stormcloak stated.

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