Chapter 2: Forced Invasion

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The trio were outside of town, getting ready to hop into their vehicles. The trio was able to find their squad, when they saw the following: D. Dreemurr, As. Dreemurr, An. Dreemurr, Bostwick, Ricciardo, Kubrick, and Lutenski.

"Looks like that's our squad," Develyn stated.

"Let's start the fight, that way this war can be over," Asriel stated. They headed into the back of the vehicle with their respective bags.

"Ahh, there you guys are," Sargent Bostwick stated.

"Sup dude," Develyn stated.

"Allow me to introduce you to the rest of the squad. You have Private Sebastian Ricciardo, Private Allen Kubrick, and driving this you have General Antonio Lutenski," Sargent Bostwick explained.

"Nice to meet you all," Asriel stated.

"We're going to Nevada right?" Andy asked.

"Yup, they're surrounded by Allied States, and they're refusing to join us, so we're invading them, and it'll be quick as well," Sargent Bostwick answered.

"Let's go, let's get moving! Start those engines!" Commander Stormcloak yelled. The engine soon started to rev up.

"Here we go fellas," Develyn muttered as the door was closed, it made the thing rear of the van pitch black. 

"Lumos, now we can talk," Andy said bringing light to the place.

"It's probably take a several hours to get there," Asriel stated.

"It will, Nevada will probably take about 12 hours to reach, so it might be late into the evening when we get there. But the invasion is already starting, California and Oregon reached Nevada at about five in the morning and have already gotten the western portion. They just need us to take the east," Sargent Bostwick explained.


Daylight was beginning to fade along the Mojave Desert, the time was about 7:59 PM. Asriel was deep asleep, then the van came to a sudden stop.

"What was that," Asriel said as he was shocked awake.

"We're here," Sargent Bostwick explained. The rear doors were open and the battlefield was filled with troops fighting one another. Turns out Nevada knew this was gonna happen to them and they've been planning it for years.

"We're here for one thing, and that's to fight for our freedom," Asriel stated as the squad sprinted onto the battlefield. The sound of gunfire and magic was dominant through out the battle field. Develyn sparked into his battle form and was taking out loads of US troops. Andy had Determination Spark (A/N: Andy's ability, which allows his magic spells to deal more damage and affect more people. With this, Sectumsempra, which is the sword curse, can affect multiple people. Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, can do a linking effect, killing one person after the next in a matter of seconds) in effect. Asriel summoned the Order (A/N: An ability Asriel gained after absorbing Jyggalag's SOUL, read book four for more detail) and a myriad of crystal knights started to dot the battlefield.

They eventually reached a well known site known to everyone around the world, Area 51. US Snipers that were trained were sniping AS troops left and right. They did this until a grenade blew up the front gates. "Your times of killing are at an end!" Develyn screamed when he used his crossbow, both melee and ranged, to kill US troops. Turns out the myths were false and there were no aliens like the conspiracy theorists claim. With the critical military base claimed, Nevada was soon under Allied hands during twilight hours.

"What do we do now?" Andy asked.

Sargent Bostwick handed a shovel to the trio, "We bury our fallen allies, dig in," Sargent Bostwick said. It was reported that the US lost 15,000 soldiers, a lot larger than the loss of 9,000 for the AS. Soon enough the remaining squads pushed into the cold tundra of the north.

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