Chapter 10: Local Nuclear War

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"How is our strategy coming along?" US President Adam Reich asked.

"It's not going good sir, the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupted, which made our western push fail," Commander Tullius answered.

"Damn it!" President Reich yelled, "How about the other strategies?"

"Not good as well. The strong squad we sent into Denver was destroyed. Our warships were invaded and taken over at New Orleans, with help from the Germans of course," Commander Tullius explained.

"Those pesky Germans, always helping the enemy!" President Reich yelled.

"Do we have anything left we can do?" Commander Tullius asked.

"Only one. One that provides potential payback if done," President Reich answered.

"You're not talking about?" General Tullius asked.

"Yup, the nuclear option. This will make our strategies effective again," President Reich stated as the summoned eight ethernal nukes.

"Sir, you can't do this, theirs deal more damage, and they're real for crying out loud," Commander Tullius noted.

"Get the fuck out," President Reich muttered loudly. Commander Tullius stated.


Volcanic ash was still raining around Ebott, but the barrier reflected all of it. It wouldn't be long before air raid sirens went off again. This time, with potential damages to the barrier.

"Oh no, not again!" Dark screamed.


"I'll contact Greene then, he might have word about this," Alphys stated.


"Mr. President, you have an urgent call from Dr. Alphys!" Commander Stormcloak yelled.

"Copy," AS President Darren Greene answered, "What is it?"

"Sir, there appears to be an attack warning at Ebott, is there one around Denver as well?" Alphys asked.

"Yup, along with six other cities, we don't know the source though," President Greene answered.

"What do we do?" Alphys asked.

"Fight back, if they destroy our cities, we retaliate," President Greene answered.

"OK, if you insist," Alphys stated before she hung up.

"Commander, launch 16 nuclear missiles please," President Greene commanded.

"On it boss," Commander Stormcloak responded. The nukes were soon fired into United States cities.


The trio's squad were too busy taking back Wisconsin when the first AS missile struck near the state capital, Madison.

"By the Ten Divines!" Develyn yelled when he looked back briefly. He knew the dangers of looking at it from afar, permanent blindness in both eyes. He already has half of vision non-operable, due to an incident that happened when he was four. "Don't look forward, turn back!" 

"This is ridiculous," Asriel said as the trio sought shelter in a random building.

When the coast was clear, the AS took Wisconsin back quickly. Many dead bodies were around, most of them were US soldiers. They either died from the lethal dose of radiation and heat or from Allied troops. Many US troops were still dropping like flies due to radiation poisoning.

"Any idea if we'll feel the effects of fallout?" Andy asked.

"Not really, our suits have an advanced oxygen filter installed, so we don't die of radiation poisoning, unlike them," Develyn answered.

"Not to mention it's night time, nuclear fallout decays during the night," Asriel noted.

After the AS retook Wisconsin, they would soon await further instructions from their Generals, which they receive from Commander Stormcloak. The battlefield was quiet in the north and the south, since it was heavily defended by the United States, but the environment was making them vulnerable. They too were awaiting word for the next move.

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