love and war

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Wooyoung pushed through the numerous bodies excitedly chatting over the match they had just witnessed.

San was still curled up on the floor, breathing heavily as tears now streaked his face.

The sight made his heart ache and he rushed over to his crumpled body, lifting him into his lap on the ground.

"I lost, Woo. Everything that I worked on was wasted. I failed."

His heart clenched tighter as he looked into his eyes. Why did this strong yet fragile boy have such an impact on his feelings?

"Yes, you did lose," his dad said kneeling down next to them. "But you did not fail, San."

"Dad." San whimpered and crawled into his arms. His tears turned into a sob, making Wooyoung's eyes water empathetically.

He scooped the smaller Choi into his chest, picking him up from the ground to place him on his feet.

"I wanted to be a champion like you. I wanted to show you I could win," San cried out.

"But you did..." Seunghyun consoled him, "You're a winner to me. You may have lost this small battle but you won a much bigger war. Do you even realize that?"

His wet eyelashes glistened as he looked up at his dad. The slowing tears made small pools in the brim of his eyes, ready to spill again at any moment and he sniffled softly.

"Wooyoung and I are the only ones that know you were fighting two separate fights out there. You stopped yourself from blacking out, San. That means so much more to me than upholding a title."

San used the back of his hand to wipe away the tears that were blurring his vision.

"I just did what you told me. I thought of you," he muttered towards Woo.

A foreign feeling was beginning to settle in Wooyoung's heart as he stared back into the deep ocean of San's eyes. He could see the waves crashing against the shore in his gaze, his mind and heart racing.

"We should get out of here. If we hurry we might be able to make it to Jongho's fight," his dad suggested.

San nodded softly and they began working their way through the crowd towards the back door.

The muggy summer air felt like a brisk winter wind compared to the suffocating heat produced by the swarms of bodies inside.

Before they could reach the car a voice called out to stop them.

"Running away?" The man shouted, trailed by the blood and sweat stained face of Kino.

They spun around to face them as they caught up.

"Kang Ha-Neul," Seunghyun said with distaste to the man Woo didn't recognize.

"Long time no see," he smirked.

Seunghyun rolled his eyes, making apparent he was not enthused by the other's presence, "Not nearly long enough," he replied.

"How does it feel to finally be defeated by a Kang after all these years?" Ha-Neul asked.

"Is this what you've been wasting away your son's life for? A pathetic excuse for revenge?" Seunghyun asked.

The other man's neck turned a crimson shade at the comment and he squared his shoulders.

"What's pathetic is the whole world calling you 'the greatest fighter' when that should be me. I deserved that win and if I could go back I would leave you hobbling on the floor instead of just impairing your vision."

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