flower shower

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The Saturday of Yeosang's show was quite literally right around the corner so the day came faster than a speeding car.

Surprisingly he wasn't as scared as before and spent the entire day yesterday compiling and editing a list of songs to perform tonight.

Seonghwa had given him all the details of the show and how they usually ran so he only needed about four songs.

He prepared five, just in case.

Four of them were covers, with the last one being an original he wanted to showcase.

Yeosang had an entire notebook of songs he had composed actually. He wanted to sing everything he had been working on since he was younger, but decided maybe it was best to play it safe and see how this show goes first.

Once again he stood on stage, facing the empty seats of Utopia's lounge, preparing for his show.

San was running late with his last lesson of the day and promised he would be there with Mingi and Yunho in tow.

He placed his chair in front of the microphone on the stage, checking the lighting direction one last time and sitting on the stool with his eyes closed to calm his mind.

The small sound of a clearing throat broke his concentration.

His eyes fluttered open and met Hyunjin, who was standing in front of the stage.

He greeted Yeo with a small wave and a cute smile that made Yeosang's heart jump a little.

A black beret was holding down his long locks that were touching the neck of his maroon button up shirt.

Yeosang noticed his arm was being awkwardly held behind his back as he stepped down the small stair set leading to the open floor.

He stopped in front of the other, a shy grin gracing his warming cheeks.

"Hey," Hyunjin greeted.

Yeo looked at the ground, blush evident on his face and muttered a quiet "Hi" in return.

Hyunjin pulled his arm from behind his back and revealed a bouquet of pink and white roses.

A small gasp escaped Yeo's lips and his hands came up to his face, hiding his grin in an attempt to cool his flaming cheeks.

"I know I'm supposed to wait until after the show, but I figured I could give these to you first as a 'good luck' gesture."

"Thank you," was all Yeo could stammer from behind his sleeves.

His heart was fluttering like a hummingbird's wings and the gorgeous boy standing in front of him was only making it worse.

He reached a shaking hand out to grab the flowers. Their fingers brushed and a tiny spark of electricity jolted between their skin when it touched.

They pulled their hands away and Yeosang held the roses to his nose, the gentle aroma igniting his senses.

"Are you nervous for the show?" Hyunjin asked.

Yeosang nodded his head, face partially buried in the flowers, "I heard there would be a few head producers here tonight so I am a little worried," he replied.

"You are amazing, you have nothing to worry about," the other encouraged. "Plus if you need help calming down during the show, just look at me and I can try to help."

With the way that Yeo's heart was thumping against his chest, he didn't think looking at Hyunjin would help him even in the slightest bit.

It would actually probably make him stumble on his words and lose focus, the way he was now.

"W-won't you be working tonight?" He questioned.

"Hwa gave me and Wooyoung the night off, so the other servers will be working...," Hyunjin trailed off and tugged at the collar of his shirt.

"...So if you are free after the show.... maybe we can grab a drink or..."

Yeosang snapped his head up, meeting his eyes. He had never been asked something like this and Hyunjin had been proving to make him very nervous.

He stuttered over his thoughts and when he opened his mouth, no sound came out.

"We don't have to!" Hyunjin rushed out, waving his hands in front of him in a panic.

"N-no! I-I do!" Yeosang cried out.

"Sorry, I mean, yes I would love to," he recovered.

Men in casual suits and a few younger groups had been filing in here and there while they were talking, signaling that the doors had been opened and would start soon.

"So I'll see you after?" Hyunjin stepped forward and placed his hand on Yeosang's shoulder, who gave a small nod in agreement.

"Good luck," he winked and stepped back, making his way to one of the VIP booths in the back.

A heavy sigh was released as Yeosang let go of the breath he was holding in at the boy's touch.

Making his way back stage, he found San waiting, with his own flower in hand.

A single sunflower, bright and bloomed, matching the huge smile he was wearing.

He took note of the wrapped bundle in his hand, "Where'd you get those?"

Yeo blushed and timidly replied, "Hyunjin."

"Aw, I wanted to be first," San pouted.

Yeosang grabbed the flower from his hands holding it up, "You are always first, my Sanflower."

A huge smile spread across their faces and San placed his hands on either side of his best friend's head, squishing his face forward so that his lips poked out, "Remember to breathe, don't picture anyone naked it's awful, and look at me if you forget your lyrics."

Yeo nodded and went to take his place on his stool behind a sheer curtain that had been lowered down.

San placed his guitar in his hand and patted his fluffy pink waves, scurrying back out to his own seat in the audience.

The intermingling voices became white noise as they died down and the lights dimmed.

The curtain began to rise and the small crowd clapped as his fingers found the strings and played the opening chords of his first song.

a/n ☺️

This is a bit short but I wanted to let ❤️Hyunsang❤️ have their little chapter before the meat and potatoes of the story started!

I did a double update to make up for that so I hope you are enjoying!

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