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The final notes of Yeosang's last song faded out into the smoky lounge of Utopia. Claps and whistles followed shortly after (some particularly louder than the others) and he gave a deep bow before the velvet curtains of the stage draped him in darkness.

He placed his guitar in it's case on the floor and clasped the latches before the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention.

"It's Yeosang, right? That was a great show," a voice rang out. The stranger came to a stop above where he was kneeling and extended a hand to help him up.

Yeosang peeked through the pink strands that had fallen in his eyes as he stared at the outreached hand and took it, "Thank you," he muttered shyly, "And you are?"

He climbed to his feet with the help of the other and straightened his clothes. 

Now that he was standing, he took a second to look over the gentle faced newcomer. He was about three inches shorter than Yeo and the smooth skin on his rounded cherubic cheeks made him want to pinch them.

He wore a simple pocketed black shirt under a casual black blazer and dark washed denim pants. Despite his soft features, his presence exuded maturity and his voice was firm and controlled.

"I'm Ji hoon. I was hoping I could steal a few minutes of your time to talk."

Yeosang hesitated but nodded for him to continue.

A sleek royal blue card was pulled from his pocket and handed to Yeo. On the front were the words 'Mansae Records' with a phone number printed in tiny font beneath it. When he flipped it over there was a diamond carved into the back with silver ink in between so it shined as the light reflected it.

"I'm the lead producer at our label and was wondering if you were interested in working with us." He said.

Yeosang held the card tightly, mind racing as the other smiled up at him awaiting his answer.....


"Hi baby," Hyunjin cheerfully greeted as Yeosang sauntered over to the bar's countertop. He sat in the high seated stool and heaved a sigh, looking deep in contemplation.

"What's wrong? You looked so happy on stage tonight."

After a few deep breaths he looked over at his boyfriend and jutted out his lower lip in a pout. "I just got offered a contract by a major label," he said sadly.

Hyunjin's eyebrow wrinkled as he stared back at him, "That's great news! I thought that's what you've been waiting for, why do you look so upset?"

"I just...Ever since I got into writing and making music I've wanted to get signed to a label and work in a studio but.." he sighed again.

"This is your chance! You said it was a major label right? What's the problem?" Hyunjin questioned.

"I don't want to be signed to just any label. There's a producer I've looked up to for a while now and I heard he came here a lot but.....I still haven't seen him. What if I never get a chance to?" He asked quietly.

"I don't want you to pass up opportunities by waiting for one that might not come," the other replied.

Just then a soft voice spoke up between the two, "Excuse me?"

They both turned towards the voice before a small smile broke out on Hyunjin's face, "Hello!"

She nodded her head in reply to his greeting and sat in the barstool.

"Wait, today is Thursday. Don't you usually come on Wednesday?" He asked her as he began making her usual drink.

She thought for a second before she shrugged her shoulders, "I was in town and figured I'd stop in for a bit."

Hyunjin slid her glass over before he took notice of Yeosang's now confused face.

"Oh, Yeo this is one of our regulars Sung-kyung, and this is my boyfriend Yeosang. He is the lounge's current artist." He gestured to the two respectively while he introduced them.

"Hi," he said shyly.

"Hello," she said back, "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation."

"No worries." Said Yeo.

"Actually I was wondering if your other friend was in tonight, Wooyoung."

The two boys shared a collective sigh "Let me just apologize in advance for whatever he did." Hyunjin said.

Sung-kyung chuckled and took a sip of her drink, "No need, I was just hoping to talk to him again. He was oddly....comforting the last time we spoke, gave me a lot to think about."

"Oh, well I can call him over if you'd like. He's probably not busy." he offered.

"No need, I should-"

The lounge doors flew open with a rush of air and San came bounding through the doors followed by Wooyoung.

"Yeo, I'm sorry I missed your show, I had a weird talk with my dad and then my class ran late and-" he hurriedly explained.

"It's fine," he assured him.

San wrapped him in a tight hug and squeezed him firmly. Their embrace sent a familiar warmth through Yeo's body that he didn't realize he was missing. It had been a while since they spent time together.

"It's funny that you guys showed up now though, there's someone here to see you."

Wooyoung raised his brow before his eyes settled on Sung-kyung, "Oh, you're back. Were you waiting for me?"

"Not particularly, but I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation from last time." She admitted.

Wooyoung walked over to the empty stool next to her and sat down. "Did you figure out what you wanted to do?" he asked the older woman.

Yeosang had not seen Woo look this relaxed and comforted when talking to a stranger and that made him wonder what his relationship with the beautiful woman was. Although it wasn't his business, he tried to hide the obvious fact that he was eavesdropping on their conversation, hoping he could find out.

"I know what I need to do but I'm afraid I will only make things worse." Sung-kyung confessed.

Yeosang leaned closer, as Hyunjin and San's conversation were now on his recent 'good news' with the label.

"You're never going to know unless you give it a try." Wooyoung said.

"Your mother is very lucky to have a son like you." She complimented him.

"I've never met her, but I wish you could tell her that so she knows she missed out," he answered.

A solemn expression grew over Sung-kyung and she looked back at the others, "Who's this?"

San perked his ears up at the sudden change in topic and looked over.

"That's my.....boyfriend, San." He said to the surprise of both Hyunjin and Yeosang.

A cold expression washed over the woman and she froze. She looked at him momentarily before darting her eyes back to San.

"Nice to meet you," he said sweetly.

"I should head out," came a rushed voice and she quickly emptied her glass of the chilled amber liquid and tapped it on the counter before pulling money from her wallet and placing it next to the cup, "See you next time."

Her heels clicked away in a fast pace as she made her hasty exit through the door leaving the boys in a state of uncertainty.

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