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San's thoughts were displayed on his face as he tried to recount every step, every breath and even the tiniest movement that he made or took in the past forty eight hours. What could he have done to make his father so angry?

Wooyoung placed a calming hand on his thigh, lightly rubbing to console him as he drove through the quiet streets back to San's house. The only sound interrupting the silence was the quiet hum of the tires against the pavement and the nearly inaudible voices of an early morning talk show coming through the radio.

When they reached the pathway of the house San scrambled out of the car, pausing only long enough to grab his bag from beneath his legs. Wooyoung barely had any time to come to a complete stop and put the car in park.

He climbed out of the driver side quickly, not bothering to close the door in an attempt to catch the other.

"San, wait! Hold on a second!" Wooyoung dashed over the hood running to the other and grabbing his arm to spin him around.

A different expression had captured his features now and the devoted infatuation Wooyoung saw just last night was no where to be found. He looked almost as if he was scared, his eyebrows were furrowed together harshly, nearly touching.

"What?" he said sharply, turning towards the other.

Wooyoung searched his face for a second before he muttered, "I... just wanted to say I had a great time last night and I was hoping we-" he stopped at the other's intrusion.

San's expression softened but he spoke rapidly, "So did I," his hand came up to brush a thumb across Woo's face, "I'm sorry, but I have to g-"

Just then the front door swung open with a loud bang against the wall to reveal Seunghyun. If Wooyoung thought he looked terrifying that night in the backyard he was so incredibly mistaken.

His broad shoulders were tensed and his fists were balled around a small piece of white paper so tightly that every vein in his forearm was exposed. The anger emanating from his stance was coloring his face a bright red and he stormed down the steps towards San, causing them both to cower as he drew close.

Wooyoung released his arm and stepped away. Seunghyun placed his own hand around San in the same spot grabbing much tighter.

His deep voice sent icy chills though his bones as he began speaking inches from San's face. "You've been fighting behind my back? After I explicitly told you to stay away?" Despite his body language, his voice was lowered and steady making him seem more threatening than if he was yelling.

Wooyoung's heart raced while he watched, feeling helpless and wanting to do something for the other.

"What? Dad no I-" San stuttered over his words.

"Don't lie to me." The grip on his arm squeezed tighter, "The only way you get an invitation for Brawl Out is by fighting in the Pit."

Woo froze at his words. This didn't make any sense, he and Jongho made sure that he wasn't going to be considered after his fight with Alex.

Seunghyun shoved the crumpled paper into San's chest waiting for him to take it. Instead, Wooyoung grabbed it unable to stop himself and stared at the writing:

Brawl Out is coming

~The best of the best, put to the test. You've been chosen. ~

"This can't be right though, we opted you out. We told the judges you didn't want to be considered after..." Wooyoung's sentence trailed off as Seunghyun's deathly glare turned on him, his silver eye was piercing.

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