『A Glimpse into Darkness』

Start from the beginning

"Ah... Touching my butt again," she furrowed a brow and shook her head before looking to the window. "So, did Fluder give us another job?"

"I actually have someone for you to meet." Jack rolled his shoulders lightly at this, before looking to the door of the room he spent most of his time with her in.

Blinking at him, her face inches from his, she was rather confused. "Someone... For me to meet...?" She raised a brow at this. Who didn't she know? Other than the Elves that were spoken of, but never seen, who else had she not met?

Greeted by only silence from Jack, she became even more curious and intrigued by his claim. "Are we taking the rest of Foresight with us?"

"We're not going anywhere. A friend of mine is coming here," He finally replied as he made his way towards the door with a quiet stride. His movements were quickly calculated as to avoid making a sound.

In the next five minutes, they were standing in the foyer as a duo of shapes were making their way from the front gate. One was large, muscular probably. The setting sun made them out to be silhouetted.

Who were these people? The red plume, the dark black armor with trimmings of gold. A female wearing a mantle and casual clothes. It was hard to ignore the evidence before her eyes in which her sight could describe. The names Momon, Nabe and the party of Darkness came to mind.

After a brief moment of silence, she found the ability to speak once more, however subtly. "Are those...?" Failing to finish her question, as her voice tapered off, he answered anyway.

"Momon and Nabe," Jack snickered quietly to himself as he tilted his head to the side.

"Jack-sama," Nabe stepped had moved ahead of the Supreme Being, to the other.

Raising a brow, Jack looked over the Doppelganger which was chosen as Momon's escort and partner. It was clear she was rather interested in seeing what exactly the relationship was between the Angel and the lowly human she saw before her. 

"Why are you holding that mag--"

Momon had caught up to her in record time, placing a hand on her shoulder to quickly silence the fellow heteromorphic being. "Uh... Nabe, we are here to meet her."

Blinking, "She is the talent holder...?" The doppelganger scrutinized over the girl for a few seconds. She was smaller than herself, petite that was for sure. Perhaps that was his taste?

"It... It's...It is a pleasure to meet you," Nabe's behavior had confused and made Arche a bit anxious, causing her to stumble over her own words. Scrambling out of Jack's arms, she landed flat on her feet. She proceeded to bow her head to them, they were famous and an incredible connection for Foresight to possibly make.

"The pleasure is ours," Momon spoke through the lip bug which gave him the voice he used commonly with others, rather than using the true voice that he was used to using in his head.

"Is it true that you slew a giant lizard in a single stride!?" Figuring that it was typical for strong people to usually know other strong people, she didn't hold back from admiring Jack's friends' feats.

"Uh... Yes," Momon seemed rather hesitant watching the small blonde become excited.

Nabe hardly gave a reaction before her eyes flickered towards the other Supreme Being. "Jack-sama, I apologize for my rude behavior." She then bowed before the man before lifting her head.

Despite the stoic expression she wore, Jack could see the hopefulness towards being forgiven. He simply nodded his head in acknowledgment of her desire. "Just don't let it happen again."

After three months of working alongside Momon, one would've thought that she should've become used to the presence of humans. Especially humans being around the Supreme Beings.

"How is the home in E-Rantel?" Jack didn't hesitate to ask since he hadn't been back to the town since he had come to the Empire. He had mostly been sticking to the Arwintar and other locations during their trips.

He had yet to check Carne Village, but he was sure Ainz took care of that.

"The Swords of Darkness seem to be thriving, no longer having to pay for board." The dark hero seemed rather amused at the question, and the answer he gave. "I believe we're getting closer to our individual goals," Momon chuckled at this.

It appears that he had been letting the humans stay there, rather than purely using the home for Nazarick's operations. It didn't necessarily matter. In three more months, if everything went as planned, the Empire would invade the Tomb. Foresight was going to be taken hostage for a time, the other workers being slaughtered, and he was going to be publically 'forced' into joining Nazarick.

That is of course if everything went as planned. If a plan didn't go the way he wanted, he would have to do away with the plan and do as the situation called for. The question was, however, what exactly was that going to be?

"So you're supplying them with housing too?" She blinked up towards Jack hearing this little conversation. Watching him nod, her lips parted slightly. "Are you trying to form a team of workers and Adventurers or something...?"

"Perhaps," Jack smiled faintly down at her.

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