Part 42

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Jennie's p.o.v

Wait! What? Am I dreaming?

Taehyung got me kidnapped.

Jennie: Are u making us fool, Taehyung!  How can u even kidnap me ?

Minnie: But why you have kidnapped her? What was your motive?

Taehyung: *hair flip*

Minnie: -_- seriously,  grandpa!

Taehyung: Grandpa doesn't have much hair like me....*again hairflip*

Jennie: What? Taehyung are you crazy?

Taehyung: No . I got you kidnapped cause I know your plan from the beginning.  You wanted to kill me in our wedding day.  So, I put a drama. I have to kidnapped you cause I didn't have any proofs against you. *hair flip*

By the way, meet Lia. She is my friend and also a Police Officer. I got to know about your today's plan. So , I was ready . But unfortunately,  you kidnapped my wifu!!!! You bitch!!!!!

Kai: Everyone is ready with their plan. I mean, am I a joke to you?*done with tae*

Jennie: Idk! I mean what the fuq!*angry tone*

Taehyung: You mean what the plan, right?*aigoo*

Minnie is standing there dumbfounded.  They all are talking rubbish.  If Taehyung  knows Jennie's motive form the start, then why did he risk his life to save her?


We all are ON.


✓MY WIFE IS JUST A MAID | KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now