Part 10

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Minnie's p.o.v

He is.......

I look into his eyes. In his eyes, there is guilt.


Taehyung 'sp.o.v.

Where does this stupid girl go at this hour? I said those things to her cause i was angry. Why does she have to take it seriously? I am tense now. Like literally, I am such an idiot.

I am in the road now to search her.

Suddenly, i hear a girl is screaming for help. I go there and see a familiar figure coming towards me. There she is ....Minnie.

She is total a mess now. She hold me tight from backsight.

Minnie:Sir, they t..try to.. (sobbing)

Taehyung : Issh...don't talk..
Let me handle this.....

Suddenly, he presses his lips against mine...

To be continue

✓MY WIFE IS JUST A MAID | KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now