(Ch.6) You can't always get what you want

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Hello fans (: How are you doing? I hope good! I'm sorry for the wait! But here's another chapter! (: If I do not post again this week then Happy Holidays to you all! And I wa swondering, which story you like the best? Adelaide's or Audrey's? (: Hope you enjoy! Vote, comment and fan if you want (: Rememebr I'm open to criticism!

Chapter 6

When I got to the hospital my grandfather and Derek were talking animatedly. I smiled and greeted them. I looked at my watch and saw I had an hour and a half until I had to go to my job. Searching through my overused bag I took the book out and looked at it for a moment before sitting down and letting my eyes get lost in the words and my mouth reciting each one.

"The next morning I was up and ready by mid-morning. My head held high, hair into a ponytail I descended the staircase. Taking my seat by the table filled with the delicious smell of food. My father was sitting by the end of the table my mother at his right and me at his left. My mother's brown curls perfectly arranged her hands in her lap. She was the perfect example of obedience, not once have I ever seen her untidy. When her parents said she shall marry my father she did, without objection. I wish I could be like her, but what about love? They call me foolish for believing in it. I was the princess and my obligation was to marry Ethan for the sake of my realm. Since I was a little girl I've told "do this and do that" never once my opinion mattered. Well that must change. My head snapped my hair brushing against my cheek, to my father when he called my name.

"Adelaide, eat otherwise your food will perish" he said with a curt nod and I smiled before grabbing the fork and start to eat.

            My father finished first, excused himself and left. My mother followed shortly after. What left me and my thoughts alone. Sighing I stood up and took my plate with me. I didn't need a maid to do something as simple as taking a dish to wash. On my way out of the kitchen door I stumbled with something, or rather someone. I looked up to see Ethan and glaring I sidestepped and left. I could hear his footsteps following closely behind me. I quickened my pace, hearing the groaning of the floor every time my foot pressed it. Suddenly I was yanked back by his hand enclosing my wrist. Before I could open my mouth to speak, he started talking.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what I said and did yesterday. And how I've been treating you badly since I met you" I was shocked. I blinked, once, twice, thrice. And nope he was still there. I pinched his arm "Hey! Why did you do that?"

"So is it real then? What happened? Where's Ethan and who are you?" my tone was disbelieving and he laughed, eyes twinkling.

"I'm not normally that...evil. It's just that you bring the worse in me" I cocked one of my eyebrows and he just smiled innocently. I sighed and said:

"Fine, I forgive you. But that doesn't mean I believe you act. People don't change overnight, especially someone like you" He smiled brightly while nodding and I couldn't help but laugh, he looked like a kid who just got what he wanted.

            Turning in my heel I began walking away, only to be stopped again. I turned to the prince and gave him a questioning look.

"Shall we take a walk?"

"I don't think that's proper Ethan" I said looking away. And it was true, when a man wanted to court a lady there must be at least one adult present. A chaperone.

"So now you care about what's proper? What about when you sneaked out..." he was cut off by my hand pressing his mouth.

"We shall" I replied and off we went.

            It was a warm day in the kingdom. The sun shone brightly, and the sky was a turquoise blue with almost no clouds at sight. I stopped and looked up, sighing at the feeling of my skin in the sun. A smile made its way to my face and I opened my eyes to see Ethan staring intently at me, I averted my gaze blushing. What was wrong with me? Blushing because of him? I might have forgiven him but that didn't mean he had changed. His personality was the same; a heartless man who did whatever he could to get what he wanted; even if that meant feigning amiability.

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