(Ch.4) You can't always get what you want

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Hey thereee! Well I wrote this chapter a couple of days before but didn't have the time to post xD I hope you like (: Don't forget to tell me whether you like it or not :)

I closed the book because it was time for me to go. I looked up from the cover of the book and saw my grandpa was still awake, something unusual. I must've shown question in my eyes because he proceeded to say something that didn't make my day any better.

"He came to visit me you know?" I looked away towards the window clenching my teeth.

"No, I didn't know" I said and got up before I did something I would then regret. "Nonno, I must go to work. I'll drop by later to finish the second chapter, ok?" he nodded and I gave a small smile and kissed his forehead before leaving.

My pace was fast and uneven. I felt like punching something or rather someone, normally I'm a non-violent person but when it came to him I just couldn't help it. I got in my car taking deep breaths and headed over to the mall. While walking to get to the store I watched the people. In the food court was a teenage couple all over each other, I wonder if they have self-respect for one another. I tore my eyes form them and they landed on a family walking together, I couldn't help but smile at their cuteness.

However I didn't watch where I was going and crashed into someone. I fell in a sitting position and looked up, only to see a little boy crying over his ice-cream on the floor. I looked down and sure enough my shirt was smeared with it. I sighed and got up, extending my hand and helping the little boy. I smiled apologetically and said:

"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going, are you ok?" he nodded but kept crying, I looked around and didn't see his parents. "Where are your parents, sweetie?"

"I won't kwow they left me" he said between sobs.

"Come on" I said sighing and taking his little hands in mine.

I would be late for work, but this was more important. I arrived at the information center and asked they person behind the desk if they could call for his parents, he nodded and I asked the boy for his name.

"Deweeek" he cooed.

"And your last name?"

"I won't kwow"

We waited for about ten minutes and what looked like a sixteen year old girl came to us.

"Is he yours?" I asked her with disbelieving eyes.

"Yes, but I don't want that thing. You can have it for all I care" with that said she turned around and left.

I felt a tug at my jean and looked down to the little boy who was looking at me with confused eyes and I felt my throat close up. He just got abandoned by her mother and he was too innocent to even register that. I tried running up to her but she was too far. What was I supposed to do? I looked back at him and then my watch and saw I was really late.

"Why did mommy left?" he had stopped crying but his eyes were red and puffy.

"Well, do you want an ice cream?" I asked instead and his eyes lit up while he nodded his head up and down several times. I cracked a smile and bought him a chocolate chip ice cream and went with him to work.

When I was inside the store I told him to stay put and went to get my uniform on. Thankfully the manager had left half an hour before and hadn't come back. Elizabeth was a little mad because she had to handle the store by herself for half an hour, but she understood. When I was sure Derek wasn't listening I looked towards her and muttered:

"What am I going to do with him Liz?" my eyes were desperate and pleading.

"You could take him to an adoption center" she said with a thoughtful expression.

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