(Ch.2) You can't always get what you want

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Oh well I just wanted to upload a new chapter (: I please please ask you to vote or comment even if just to say that you don't like the history. I want to see if it's good or bad. Well I hope that those who read this enjoy it ^^

Chapter 2

"I woke up because of the sun streaming directly at my face. I stood up to close the curtains and saw something or must I say someone that caught my eye, William. He was training with dragons, not fighting with them but riding them. My eyes widened at that, the dragons were known to not be a very kind creature and usually if anyone tried getting into their backs they would throw them away. My curiosity got the best of me and I locked my bedroom door before whistling for my unicorn and going to the mountains where this young man was. When I got down I realized I hadn't changed from my sleep gown and it wasn't proper to meet him like this. But it was too late he already saw me and made a curtsy. In cue I made one myself and tried hiding the pink color that came to my cheeks.

"What a grateful surprise to see you here Milady" he said smiling. "What could the motive be to such an honor?"

"I was wondering how a young man like you could do such a dangerous thing" I replied and I was sure my cheeks were red as a cherry.

"Well your Majesty, I don't find riding dragons dangerous at all"

"Please call me Adelaide, and why not?" I asked incredulous.

"Because when you treat them well they're a friendly creature, come here and I shall teach you" he said and I hesitated, what if they burned me down? He must've noticed my hesitation because he added "I promise nothing bad will happen to you"

I couldn't say no so I took one, two, three...ten steps to get closer to him and the dragons. Afterwards he asked which one I liked best and I was mesmerized by a white one, they were rare to find. When I decided on the white one he told me to go and give him food and I did as I was told and she licked my face. Something I find extremely disgusting but what's done is done. William said I did the first stage and now it was time to fly with him. Cautiously I made my way to the dragon's back and William followed suit in one swift movement. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and told me to take hold of the reigns. I did as I was told and took a deep breath before embracing the air draft.

As much as I want to tell you it was an exhilarating experience, it was not. "Skyla" as I named the dragon was very rough at the beginning and I almost fell down, she then took sharp turns as if she wanted me to collide with everything in the way. I tried controlling the reigns but it was a hard task and I was about to give up when I felt William whisper in my ear "Close your eyes" and I laughed houmorlessly and yelled to him "Are you crazy? I'm going to die! How can I stop her?" I asked. I felt him shook his head and then he lifted his hands and closed my eyes, sending a tickling sensation throughout my body. "Now relax, and listen, become one with the nature" I was sure we were going to crash but I did it anyway. I could hear the faint sound of the wind, feel my wavy black hair flying crazily and also I heard the breathing of Skyla and my own, trying to synchronize mine with hers. And when I felt connected with her, I managed to guide her more expertly and I started actually enjoining it. I laughed and felt light as a feather. I wish I could feel like this always. Sadly since I hadn't told anyone I was here I should get going, so calmly I led her to the ground and got down with William's help.

"Thanks so much for letting me enjoy this beautiful experience" I said smiling broadly at him.

"My pleasure" he replied bowing and I grabbed his shoulders and brought him up.

"Please, you don't have to bow for me. Let's make a pact ok?"

"About what?"

"When I'm with you you'll treat as a normal people, for you I'm not the princess just a...friend" I said hoping the word "friend" wasn't too much for our acquaintance.

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