“Can I see?” I nodded my head and handed him the camera. All the other lads hovered behind him to get a look as well.

“I like that one,” Harry said, talking about the photo I took of the fans.

“Lilly, who’s this?” Niall handed me back the camera and showed me a video I didn’t know I took. It was of the guy I bumped into. I quickly erased the video. “Lilly, who was he?”

“Just… someone I bumped into.”

“It looks like the pap that pushed you over. “

“It was him.”

“Then why were you talking to him?”

I sighed. “He wanted me to do something and I turned him down,” I lied right through my teeth.

“What did he want you to do,” Harry asked next.

“He wanted to get something about Niall and I’s relationship. Nothing we have to worry about now.” Niall stared at me like he knew I was lying. I hope to God that he didn’t. But I needed to get rid of that guy before he does something else… “Anyways,” I said as I moved away from the boys. “I think I’m going to go take some more shots.”

“I’ll come with,” Niall said as he stood up from the bed. I shook my head. “C’mon Lilly, you promised me no working that much.”


“You guys go out and have that special alone time,” Harry said making air quotes around ‘alone time.’ “We’ll be here probably in the gym or pool or something.” I gave Harry a look which he responded it with a smartass smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes.

“Then it’s settled.” Niall snaked his arm around my waist leading me to the door. “Let’s go out for some coffee.” I wanted to protest just in case that guy came back and tried something in front of Niall which would make me expose myself yet again in front of him. I wanted him to be as normal as possible and as long as I can hold it. But lately it’s been harder and harder to keep it a secret.

“Okay,” I simply said as we made it into the lift.

“Hey.” I turned my head to face him and he immediately placed his lips on mine lovingly. His arms went to my waist as mine went straight for his hair, tugging it lightly. I broke the kiss before it could go any further. “What’s got you all upset?”

I shook my head. “I’m not upset…”

He gave me a look. “You’re such a bad liar.”

I sighed. “I would tell you if I could but I just… can’t right now.”

He nodded his head. “Okay. But you know you can come to me for anything, okay?”

“Okay.” He kissed the top of my head and then led me out into the lobby as the doors opened. “Maybe we should take the back,” I said as I noticed all the crazy fans clawing at the glass doors.

“You’re right.” He took my hand and led me out the back way passed the gym and indoor pool area. I held onto my camera as he pulled me through the parking lot passing all the cars until we ended on the other side of the hotel where the fans were facing the other way. We sneaked passed them quietly and made it to the other block where they couldn’t see us laughing.

“That was fun,” I said once I caught my breath.

“Yeah,” he said doing the same. “It was really fun. Now we can be alone.” He pulled me into another short but passionate kiss. I could feel him smiling into it which in turn made me smile as well. “You make me really happy, you know that?”

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now