Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Niall POV

I didn't know whether to be pissed or surprised. I knew that i had to go in there and get Andy without exception or questions but the thing was how was i going to get in there. 

"So? What are we going to do," Harry asked as he took the car around the block and parked it out of sight of Jillian's house. I ran my hand through my hair, not knowing exactly what i was going to do. I have never been in this situation before and i swore i would never talk to Jillian again for said reasons. She reminded me so much of Lilly so i didn't know if she would be crazy as well or sane unlike her sister. But to take my duaghter, that was on a whole different level of crazy.

"I...I don't know."

"Well you want to go get her, right?"

"Harry, if she doesn't want to be with us then there's nothing i can do. She's her own person."

"She's not even a year yet and you're letting her make her own decisions?"

"If you haven't already seen, Harry, she's far from human. She doesn't age like you do."

He rolled his eyes, turning away from me to face the front and look out of the windshield. Harry was just as stressed as i was but we were going at this the wrong way. I didn't want Andy to know that i followed her, but she probably knew that already since we had that stupid connection. I could see that this was the stage where Andy would be annoying.

"What are you doing here?"

I looked out the window only to be face to face with Jillian, her hands on her hips and her hair in a bun on the side of her head. Her makeup highlighted her face and the earrings she wore that were of dreamcatchers caught my eye as well. 

"Jillian... I...I..."

"You came for Andy," she said as she leaned on the car. I nodded my head. "I knew you would be coming. She had a feeling as well but we didn't think you would get here so slow."

I sighed. "I have Harry with me."

"Oh yes, the human that's supposed to fall in love with my niece."

I could feel Harry shift beside me in a state of being uncomfortable.

"Where's Andy," i asked, getting to the point.

"She's in school."

"She's in what," Harry said before i could say something.

"You enrolled her in school?"

"Yeah," she shrugged. "I didn't see what the big deal was and she wanted to go there anyways."

"Did you even think about asking me first if she could go to school? Andy isn't ready. She's... she's growing too fast to be humanly possible for her to go. Hell, Lillian did that even go through your mind?"

"Honestly it didn't."


She rolled her eyes. "It didn't go through my head because it's what she wanted. You gotta let her loose sometimes, Niall. You keep her too tight. I know she's your daughter but-"

"Exactly. She's my daughter. Not anyone else's."

"Are you keeping her this close because you still love Lilly?"

That question took me off guard. I wasn't keeping her close because she was the last living thing that had part of Lilly in her. If i wanted to see Lilly again, i would have Andy summon her but that wasn't going to happen again. I couldn't happen again. Andy wasn't ready to face the truth of what her mother actually was and i was trying to keep her from becoming like her mother. 

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