Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

I dreaded waking up today. Even now I still liked my sleep but I didn’t want to walk out and see Niall standing in my doorway. I couldn’t fall for his act again. Even though he’s just someone down the line, he’s still somewhat my killer; the person that made me this way. I could never in a million years mistake those piercing blue eyes. They were perminately in my brain for as long as I live which will probably be forever until I get someone to really kill me. You might think “oh just go get hit by a car or have someone push you off a cliff”, been there done that. The car got more damaged and I left without a scratch. With the cliff thing, I put a huge hole which is now part of the Great Canon.

I slowly peeled myself off of my bed and went over to the shower, the hot water stinging my skin like always but still having no effect on me. In some ways, I still had my human qualities. I breath, I eat, I walk normal and I can cry. On the other hand, I knew my human life was gone. I couldn’t bleed, needles can be poked through my skin and I never felt pain unless someone stabs me in my focal point in which I die.

I turned the water off and began to think of my school outfit; a simple t-shirt, skinny jeans and a hoodie to hide my tattoos. When you change, you get a new tattoo with each new power you get. Right now, I have a whole sleeve on my left arm and I try to hide it as much as possible. I’m not one for tattoos. I mean, there are some that I like on me like the swirls that I got when I could control someone’s mind. That was a special day for me. The other ones I could really live without and no amount of makeup could cover them. To other people like me, they love their tattoos as it symbolizes something special for them blah blah blah. They, unlike me, wanted to be like this. I would never curse someone with this.

I left my hair in its usual wavy state and pulled over my hoodie. I grabbed my school bags and descended the long winding stairs. Sometimes, I hate having an empty house not full of a family. What I once wanted in life will forever be just a dream and fantasy for me. I could never have kids and I could never love anyone that came into my life. If I fell in love with Niall, I would have to try to not fall in love with him.

There was a sudden knock on my door and I slowly walked over to it, tying my shoelaces in the process. I opened the door to find a very smiley Niall Horan. “Hey.”

“Hi.” My voice was dry, as I didn’t really want to see him. I needed to seem like we weren’t attached in any way just to make it safe for him.

“You know you can’t get rid of me.” He stepped closer to me, basically in my house.

“Uh…” I walked forward, pushing him out the door and shutting it behind me.

“What? I can’t go into your house? You have a secret in there or something?”

I rolled my eyes. “Everyone has a secret in their house Niall. And besides, you just met me yesterday which you just won’t stay away.”

“What can I say? I can never take no for an answer.” He stepped closer, placing his arm around my waist and his forehead on mine. “You’re not wearing your contacts today.” I just shook my head, afraid to speak. “I like your real eye color better anyways.” If only you knew…

“Oi! Come on you love birds I want to get breakfast,” Harry yelled out of the driver’s window.

I cocked my head to the side, asking for an answer. “He wanted to get food. I know we’re early and all so I thought we’d go to Dunkin Donuts or something. You know, to get some coffee.”


He laced his fingers with mine. What the hell? “Don’t take Harry too seriously. He’s the cheeky one in the group. I’ll give you a lesson later today?” He made it sound more of a question as if to ask me to hang out with him. He opened my door for me.

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora