Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty:

 This chapter is really short. Sorry about that. i didn't really have time to write a lot so here you go.

Niall POV

“When can you fly up here,” I asked Hanna on the phone. I was so nervous about her arrival that I was messing with my thumbs. Andy just rolled her eyes at me and sat next to me on the couch with her doll in hand. She’s been quiet ever since the breakfast we had with Uncle Si about the whole thing. Her growing has become normal which I was really thankful for. She looked to be about 10, a safe age for her to me. Of course, not for me since I was only 19 and it would look like I had a kid when I was 9 years old. People still didn’t suspect a thing and like Uncle Si said, they thought she was Greg’s daughter. It worked out well since he would be fit for something like this; his age was right for this.

“Hopefully next week,” she said on the other end of the line. I just smiled knowing that the one that I’m actually supposed to be with is coming up here soon to see me. Of course I would pay for her own room being that I didn’t want Andy hating me or kicking her out. That sure as hell wasn’t happening even if Hanna and I are meant to be together. Andy was my first priority and since Harry told me about her little stunt, that just made me watch her more.

I’m fine,” she thought to me. I knew she was listening in but at this point I didn’t care. I was the parent not her.

We’ll talk about this later.”

”There’s nothing to talk about.”

“That’s what you think.”

She scoffed. “Mum was right about you.”

That made my head whip around so fast. She couldn’t’ have. She didn’t. “Hanna, I’m going to have to call you back.”

“Okay. You can text me or whatever.”

“Okay,” I said as I kept my eyes on Andy who just looked straight ahead.

“I love you,” Hanna said, fear dripping from her voice.

“I love you too.” I hung up the phone and turned completely around to face Andy. She didn’t look phased by her words or thoughts I should say. “What the fuck did you just say?” I didn’t like cursing in front of her but in this case, I just couldn’t keep those foul words out of my mouth.

“I didn’t say anything,” was her response as she still looked ahead.

“Is this because Harry is forced to date Taylor?” There had to be a reason behind her bitchiness and the actions that she was doing.

“Part,” she said as she looked at her nails. Her once plain nails were now coated with bright green nail polish in a blink of an eye.

I snapped my fingers, pulling her face to look at me without even touching her. Of course I didn’t think that that was going to happen but it was really convenient right now. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that. You may be immortal but I was the one that gave you life. Not the other way around. You may not disrespect me. I may be new at this dad thing but I know this is not how it’s supposed to go.”

Her eyes showed some fear but it was very hidden. What was going on through that little head of hers? I hated that I could only read her mind when she allowed me to; something that she acquired soon a couple months after she was born. I continued to stare her down, wanting to know everything that was going through her head.

“I don’t understand,” she finally whispered under her breath but I could hear it clear as day. “Something’s… different with Harry.” Was she beginning to love him? She couldn’t yet being that she was still too young in looks for that to happen. But maybe she was getting jealous that Harry wouldn’t be around for as long as he used to be being that he had to “date” Taylor to get sales.

“It could be jealousy,” I said as I “released” Andy from my hold. “He’s not going to be around as much as he used to. You’re stuck with me, kid.”

“But… I saw something.” I cocked my head to the side, confused for a second. “I saw something, dad.” I nodded my head and let her touch my face to show me what she has seen.

I my mouth opened wide with horror. Harry dating Taylor wasn’t going to help bring in more sales. It was going to drop them.

Harry POV

“The least you can do is hold my hand,” Taylor said as we were walking around the zoo with Lou and Lux in front of us. Lux turned around and reached her hand up for me to take. I smiled down at her and gladly took her small hand in mine as we continued to walk around.

“I would but… I don’t like you,” I quickly said as I began to get tugged away from Taylor, leaving her behind me with her mouth opened wide before she quickly closed it so the paps wouldn’t get that. Of course they were in front of us, probably making it look like I was really close to Taylor since that’s what they’re paid to do. I looked around for freckles and brown wavy hair. Where was Andy?

“Who are you looking for,” Taylor asked in my ear once she caught up with Lux and I. Lux was currently looked at the seals in the tank and I bent down to her level and held her in place as Taylor stood behind me. “Is it your girlfriend or something?”

“No,” I whisper-yelled. It wasn’t a lie per say; it was more of stretching the truth since Andy was too young to be seen as my girlfriend right now. It would probably be a year before she considers me something along those lines.

“Then who?”

“Maybe sum on not as annoyan as yu,” Lux said, using her sass that she got from Louis as she continued to stare straight at the seals as they were floating on their backs. I kissed Lux on top of her head and smiled down at her. At least she understood, sort of.

Excuse me?”

“What are you, deaf too,” Lou said so only the four of us could hear. I swear this is why I love these people. They’re always here for me unlike management who’s just out to kill me.

“Are you just going to let them talk to me like that, Harry,” she over exaggerated as she raised her voice and looked around to make sure people were watching.

“Calm down; we’re not even dating yet,” I said to her as I looked up at her towering figure over me as I was kneeling down with Lux in my hands. She nudged me in the back with her leg as she walked over to take a seat on the steps. I handed Lux over to Lou and walked over to where she was sitting watching the sea animals. “Listen,” I said sternly. “If this thing is going to happen, we’re gonna do it my way. I have no feelings for you whatsoever and you may have feelings for me but this thing is fake. I was raised well so I’m going to treat you like you should be treated. Just know, I don’t mean any of it.”

The look on her face was fear but she still nodded her head either way. She cautiously wrapped her arm around mine and laid her head down on my shoulder. I sighed and let her do it, even though I really didn’t want to. I saw a flash of brown hair walk passed on the other side of the tank and I knew it was Andy. But something was wrong; something was off. 

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