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Today I'd been quite a while on my feet, so that made me thing Frog's treatments were actually working pretty well, despite the fact that I didn't roam beyond the security office or outdoors. Even remaining in bed was a harder duty than being on my feet working, which only involved Bonnie and Chica.

   They told me about that note of absence they left in the office while my coma wrenched my job away: a voice issue or something like that. The point was that I might as well start off in Christmas, when the restaurant opened again. Between gossips and conversations, I got to confirm this little theory about this reopening for Christmas, and if this old calendar in my room didn't deceive me, we were opening the day after tomorrow. At least we weren't gonna show up with bare paws; Bonnie made stars and little shiny moons that were gonna make this restaurant have a mixture of Freddy's and MoonLight. He helped me make a small Christmas tree too, with some little green pieces of paper and with paper balls for Christmas ones. It wasn't what well-offs would have chosen, but given the fact that they'd been hand-made, they had a something that turned them cuter, even more thanks to Bonnie's support.

   While cutting and folding paper, I noticed Bonnie winced a bit when handling scissors: his moves were kind of clumsy, and he couldn't help himself from shutting tightly his eyelids every time he did something. He left my room to go with Chica to look for some recipes.

   While everybody was setting up our handmade decoration, I found I had to lay down on my bed for a while, which was something Frog still suggested me, I felt strong enough to start investigating what I should've been investigating days ago though.

   I got off my bed while watching my step for stars or just decoration stuff around. I tiptoed all around my bed towards my door. When I opened it, I spotted Foxy hanging a long old-looking LED light series above the kitchen's door. I also saw Chica's shadow projected from the kitchen. I didn't see anybody else around. Then Bonnie had to be in his room right now, just what I needed to start.

   I walked to his door as I knocked.

   "Bonnie?" I asked.

   I knocked again. "Bon..." I said this time louder.

   Thought he wasn't there. This just fueled up my curiosity, so my whimsical paw was pulled towards the knob. Indeed, Bonnie wasn't here, it was just his guitar on the bed and the bathroom's door opened. I managed to get in slowly while focusing on all the objects on my way, objects that, from my point of view, were useful or new. I stepped in front of his wardrobe, and I saw he barely had clothes; none of us wore a lot of clothes though. Humans already knew us in our own style. There were his gloves, which he hadn't worn lately, and a little black hat. Actually had no idea about that one. I turned to my right to get into the bathroom, maybe there was what I was looking for. On my way I found nothing but the same crap in an ordinary bathroom, but—this. My sight caught up with the sink by seeing many creams and make up products. Did he have more than Chica? I took one of those creams to figure out its use, but I failed miserably at it. I raised my sight to a little mirror right above the sink, where I spotted stains of some little fingerprints all over it. These were Bonnie's for sure.

   As I swept my gaze from top to bottom, I heard someone turning the knob of Bonnie's room. I quickly managed to stuff myself next to the sink, which was a sightless spot from outside. I heard someone walking. Guessed it was Bonnie who was into his own business around the room. Hopefully he was not looking for something he lost 'cause that could even hint me the loss I involved myself into as well.

   "I hope this can make it," Bonnie said under his breath.

   I dared to tilt my head a little outwards just to see if I could make out what he meant with that, however, I just spotted a rope, a long latex rope. Why would Bonnie ever want that? This was really weird. I strongly needed him to leave his room. I bet he realized by now I knew there was something about his behavior. In no way I had to let him know. For sure the truth was gonna come out soon. I heard Bonnie sat on his bed, and he pulled out a drawer as though he was gonna put something away. Why was this taking so damn long?

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