Change Is For The Best

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Steven arrived at the party. People were there, Diamonds especially. He exited his car.

Pearl ran up and hugged him. "Hey, Steven, I haven't seen you in a few days," she said.

"Just getting invitations out, you know, universal stuff," he exclaimed.

Pearl smiled. "You can go home when you need, don't over work yourself," she said.

He laughed. "Need me to pick up the cake?" He asked expecting himself to need to.

"No, Garnet did that," Pearl explained.

Amethyst ran over. "Is that mah man, Steven Universe?" She asked in an announcer fashion.

"I guess I am," Steven said.

Garnet walked over. "Hey Steven, remember we all love you very much, and don't think anything lowly of you," she said.

"Um, okay," he said.

Spinel made her way over. "Steven, you came!" She said.

"Of course, I came," Steven said.

"Why wouldn't he come to his own party?" Amethyst asked semi-seriously.

"Oh, we thought you might be busy saving something, like your car," spinel said.

"What amethyst meant to say is, why would I come to my friends party," steven said.

Amethyst looked at steven, confused. "Man, this was your idea," she said.

Steven sighed. "By the way, I may have invited Jasper and Blue bird-" steven was interrupted by a loud thud coming from around his car.

Jasper looked at Steven.

Amethyst turned around. "Hey, Jasper, you come to attack or party?" She asked.

Jasper looked at amethyst. "No idea, are you here to act mature?" Jasper asked. Her voice shook amethyst.

"No, that's just how I am!" Amethyst argued.

Jasper rolled her eyes. "Here for the party," She said.

Steven smiled a bit. "Welcome," he said.

"Oh! By the way, guess what, Steven?" Spinel asked.

Steven looked at spinel. "Yes?" He asked.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She yelled hugging him.

"What's all this for?" He asked.

"The diamonds are so nice to me!" She said hugging him tighter.

The diamonds looked over.

White diamond smiled. "Spinel, remember don't hug him to death," she said.

"Unless it's completely necessary," yellow diamond said.

Steven gave them a thumbs up for spinel. "Hey, everything has changed since you have last visited, want a ride around?" He asked Spinel.

Spinel let go of the hug. "Let me go ask the diamonds first," she said jogging to the diamonds.

They exchanged a small amount of conversation.

Yellow yelled over to steven, "It still smells like earth, are you sure everything has changed?" She asked.

"Pretty sure!" She shouted back.

Spinel ran over. "Let's go," she said jumping over the car to the other side.

"Hey garnet, wanna sit on top?" He asked.

"Steven, I don't need to protect you, you'll live in 17 out of the 18 futures," Garnet said.

"Sounds- oddly specific," Steven said getting into the car.

Spinel got in too.

"What's this?" She asked looking at his cassette tapes.

"We have sadie killer and the suspects here, chep and sadie here, my old music here and calming guitar here," he said pointing to each.

"Oh, let's hear your old music, I have no idea what you sounded like," spinel said.

Steven put the cassette tape in and started driving, it started at the first song, We Are The Crystal Gems. He drove around.

"Woah, you sound so different now!" Spinel pointed out.

"I know," he said.

Steven sighed. "Spinel, how do you adapt to people leaving you and change?" He asked.

"Well I just realized sometimes people need to leave and I get used to it," she said.

"It doesn't feel like it in Beach City right now, everyone's leaving and I have known them all my life and I got super used to it, then I trapped people in a giant bubble," he said.

"Change is for the best, steven," Spinel said.

"I know that I just, gah, I dont want to lose them!" He yelled turning pink.

Spinel looked at him. She grabbed the calming guitar music and replaced the music.

"Thanks," he said making the car stop.

He sighed.

"Gee, what are friends for?" She asked.

Steven rested his head on the steering wheel. "Not leaving you," she said.

"Then let them live on in your heart," Spinel said.

"Spinel, they're not dying," he said looking at her.

"Oh," Spinel said.

"Let's go back, you're looking a bit pink," she said.

Never Letting Go - (Steven Universe Future)Where stories live. Discover now