Chapter 1-the life long lie

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The United kingdom sat at his desk, head-bobbing due to not sleeping for two days straight, his phone started ringing. It was America.

He excepted and tiredly answered. "Hello?"

"Hi dad whatcha doin~" America was slurring his words but the U.K was too exhausted to notice at first. "Paperwork..." "hehehehehe~ funny~"

The U.K face-palmed "your drunk aren't you..."


"son why are you drunk?"

"It's my birthday~" He searched through his desk to find a calendar, it was indeed the Fourth of July, how could he forget?

"I was just about to call you..." U.K tried his best to make the lie convincing, it was nine in the afternoon.

"Don't you love me dad?~" America said fake whimpering, he's such a baby when he gets drunk.

"Yes, now go to bed to seep your drunkenness off," The U.K says sternly

"no~ Now I'm going to go play Russian roulette with Russia~"

"America no!"

America yes!" Meri quickly hangs up.

"This shit is why your not my real son..." The Englishmen whispers under his breath, dipping his pen into an inkwell.

Halfway across the world America and all the countries that wanted to come were having a birthday party at his manor. Meri decided to have a drinking contest with South Korea, big mistake, his average of shots per week is 13.7. The American was now blackout drunk laughing at the air.

Russia laughed "read'em and weep!" He says laying down three aces and pulling all of the various currencies of the table to him.

"You have to be cheating!" Germany yells, his word slurring slightly "you've won every single game!"

"бред какой то you all just suck at poker!" "

I'm going to keep playing till I win something!" Iraq says frustrated.

"Sounds good to me!" Russia responds smiling, Germany shuffles the deck and everyone puts in their bets.

Iraq giggles softly "umm Russia you may want to turn around"

"I'm not falling for that Iraq you only want to steal the money I won!" The Russian responds glaring at Iraq.

Germany bangs his hand on the table trying his hardest not to die from laughter. "You really need to turn around" Germany manages to get out before falling backward out of his seat laughing like a mad man.

Russia rolls his eyes and looks turns around slightly in his seat, resting his arm on the back of it. America is petting a drunk Japan in his lap calling her a good dog.

Meri pulls the smaller country's face to his and nuzzles her, holding her small cat ears down. A small ping of jealousy shot through the Russian, why he had no idea, it's not like he likes him or anything.

Iraq attempts to take some of the Russians winnings as his attention was somewhere else, he slaps Iraq's hand away. "How did you know?" Iraq asks shocked

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