"Destiny this is my sister Jennifer. Jenny this is my girlfriend Destiny."

Girlfriend. Girlfriend. That had a nice ring to it.

I blushed and sticking my hand out to shake and she laughed and said. "We hug in this family."Then she pulled me into her embrace.

"I thought I heard my baby boy home."Said a new voice when me and Jennifer broke out of our hug.I saw a woman rubbing her hands on her apron.

"Hi mom."Jeremy said pulling the blonde haired woman into his strong arms.

He must get the hair color from his dad then.I thought as I looked at the two.

"Mom I would like you to meet my girlfriend Destiny, Destiny this is my mom Mary."he said walking towards me with open arms.

"She so small!"she said as was pulled into her embrace. It's not my fault!I blushed and slightly pouted.

"It's okay your the right size for me."he said pulling me from his mom picking me up bridal style kissing my forhead making me blush again.

I looked to the side and seen a picture that caught my eye and made me laugh.

Jeremy looked down at me and asked with a raised eyebrows. "What's so funny?"

I pointed to the picture picture still laughing to myself. The picture was sexy picture I must admit but that suit he had on was a little to much.

He looked up closing his eyes and groaned saying. "Mom I thought I told you not to put that picture up."

"Oh hush up that was your birthday before you left and your brother picked out that suit for your photo shoot."she said shooing him with her hand.

"It was really cold that day and I let him pick my suit out because he was spending time with me."

He said letting a small smile form on his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows when she said 'photo shoot' and looked at him and he said. "I used to be a model."he said carelessly shrugging like it was nothing.

"And you gave up modeling because of your love for kids?"I asked.

He gave me a peck on the lips and said. "Yup, see your so smart and your all mine."

"Jeremy put her down so she can help us out in the kitchen!"his mom screamed from the kitchen.

He sighed pouting and put me down saying. "Fine."

As I walked away I felt a sting on my butt and turned around and saw him wink at me.

"HONEY WE'RE HOME!"A voice boomed through the house making me stop and turn my attention to it.

I turned and saw a middle aged man along with Jeremy coming in behind him pulling off there coats. The middle aged man I'm guessing is his father and the younger looking one is Jenny's husband.

"Dad, Max this is Destiny Jeremy's girlfriend."she said as her husband kissed her head latching his arms around her waist.

And I was pulled into yet another hug by Jeremy's father.He's like a big old teddy bear.

"Thanks I get that a lot."he chuckled making me look up at him and blush then looking down.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes yes you did."Jeremy laughed.

"JayJay?"A small voice called ,walked over to us with a bright colored bookbag.

Jeremy then left my side immediately, pulling what must of been his younger brother Samuel up into a tight crushing hug.

Jeremy released Sammy and said."Sammy this is Destiny, the one I told you about." He shyly looks over at me then you to him for confirmation to which he got a nod and soft smile before returning his gaze on me.

"Hi,Destiny."he waved to me walking over with clumsy,small steps.He then engulfed my leg in a hug saying."I'm Sammy."

"Hi Sammy,i'm Destiny. But you can all me Dessy if you'd like."I said hugging back."It's really nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. JayJay said we were gonna be friends."he said back.

"Would you like that?"I asked.He happily nodded then gave me one more hug going to rest of the house with the rest of the family.

I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard a sniffle and turned to see Jeremy wiping his teary eyes.

I walked over to him and asked. "Are you alright?"

He nodded saying."Yea I just get a little emotional when it's comes to him."

He then pulled me into his embrace and kissed my head saying. "Thank you."


After dinner the family had spread out around the house. Mostly the boys in the movie room watching sports while the kids were with us.

"So Destiny you love my son?"I was a little taken back by the question and looked at her wide eyed.

Jennifer sent her mom a slight glare."They have only known each other for a short period of time and your already trying to scare her away."

"Even though that is true Jennifer, Your brother has treated me and my daughter better then anyone else has and I honestly do love him."I said sincerely.

"Have you said it to each other?"she asked with another glare from Jenny.

"Well he said it to me but not really."I said looking of to the side.

"What do mean not really? I'm confused."she said sipping her lemonade.

"I'm with mom on this one.Explain."Jenny said getting comfortable in her seat.

"Well at the time we were in an argument

because some women named Evelyn came by saying that he had a child by her and I didn't really let him explain himself and just left. But then he came with a bunch of gifts,we apologized to each other and he said and I quote.' Over these past couple of weeks I have been starting to realize some things.One is that I love Elisabeth like she was my own child and i'm starting to feel the same way about her mother.'But never really 'I love you.'directly. "I said leaving me breathless and I looked at Mary and she looked upset.

"That girl is always ruining something, I never liked her."she said shaking her head.

"Aww my brother is so sweet! But he never gets his thoughts out clear enough."she said sighing.

I laughed and said. "It's okay, we are taking things slow and i'm pretty sure when I say it i'll be nervous to."

Mary gave me a heartwarming smile and said. "Welcome to the family."

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