Chapter 13 - Unexpected Encounters

Start from the beginning

"So what are you doing out here in the rain?"

"Heh, could ask you the same, glasses."
Error growls.

"Don't call me that, soulless…"

Error begins to strip down, hopping into the now warm shower. He sighs, washing his face.

Ink scoffs, looking to the side, thinking.

"So," he starts, looking back at Error. "Did you guys find Nightmare?" Errors eyes widen at the question, does Ink know he's probably alive?

"No…" Error replies, "don't get why you would care."

"Oh, I don't. Just thought I'd ask." Error glares at him, letting out a sigh.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Dream?"

"It's my break."


Error begins to wash his hair as he thought some more. If he was being honest...Ink wasn't too bad to talk to… Yes, he is a dick, but when push comes to shove, he's actually pretty pleasant.

"So, I'm guessing that stuff in your bag isn't actually yours right?" Ink says with a smirk on his face. Errors eyes widen as he looks back at his bag.


"Geez, no need for you to get all nervous. Next time you decide to take something though, mind getting me some more art pencils?" Error looks back up at him, confused. Ink rolls his eyes. "Look, I'm running out of materials and I don't feel like paying for new stuff. I'd immediately get caught if I try it. Then I'd get my ass beat by the boss."


"Yeah, I guess."

Error lets out a chuckle.

Once Error was done, he turns off the shower and hops out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around himself. It was that moment when he realized he didn't bring in any clothes with him, and sighs.


It takes a while for Cross to respond. "Yes..?"

"Can you bring in my clothes?"


Moments later, Error hears a knock and slightly opens the door, taking the clothes and shutting it once again. He begins to change into them. He lets out a sigh before walking out of the bathroom. The first thing he sees is Cross leaning against the wall. They make eye contact with each other.

"What happened…" Cross asks, knowing Error very well.

"Nothing happened."


"Cross I'd rather not talk about it."

Cross stays silent.
Error sighs once again before making his way to his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Ink walks down the hallways of the JR headquarters making his way into Dream’s office. He finally arrived and heads inside. Seeing Dream at his desk.

"Any new reports on where Nightmare is…?"
Ink scoffs.


"How was your break, do anything interesting for once? Other than causing mayhem?"

Ink thinks then smiles.

"Yeah, guess you can say that."

After speaking to Dream, he's back on the job, thing is though...he didn't feel like doing what he was told to do. Why? Just because. Ink instead walks through the hallways of the JR, making his way to his sleeping quarters. It was then when he heard the pitter-patter of an animal, running up from behind. Looking behind him, he sees Champ the husky, Dreams dog.
Champ continues to follow Ink, smiling it seems. Ink simply scoff and comes to a stop, turning towards the dog.


Champ barks at him, sitting down and wagging his tail. He seemed excited for some reason Ink couldn't figure out. Ink rolls his eyes. "I'm not playing fetch with you if that's what you're hoping."

"Well, that isn't too nice to say to a dog, Ink."

Champs smile fades as he growls at the person standing behind Ink. Ink turns and sees Blue in all of his glory. "Shouldn't you be off trying to find Nightmare?"

"Could ask you the same."

Ink glares at him, knowing he's right.

"Why are you here...?

"To see angel boy of course."

"The boss?"

Blue rolls his eyes, "Yes, whatever."

"He's busy." A smirk appears on Blue's lips.

"Well, he's going to have to make time...because I have some news for him..." Blue pushes past Ink, causing Inks eyes to widen as he follows Blue.
Dream was working on some papers when his office door came flying open. he turns and glares at Blue in the door frame.

"This better be important, Blue." he spat. Blues smirk only grew more.

"Oh but it is."

"I found lord...."

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