Chapter 2 - Back Here Again

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"Nightmare you can't keep doing this, " Dream starts, it was obvious by the unimpressed expression that he was displeased with Nightmare's actions.

"Keep doing what?"

"You know what." Nightmare groans in annoyance, he hates it when Dream gets on his back like this.

"I only did what they deserved." He admits, only earning a scowl from the lighter Guardian.

"There's a reason why people don't like you Nightmare! It's because you do stupid crap like this!! You're literally giving them a reason to hate you..." Dream scolds. He then turns to leave.

"You're literally giving them a reason to hate you, blah, blah, blah." Nightmare mocks, he crosses his arms and turns away from his brother, holding back tears. "Maybe I wouldn't be this way if you paid more attention to me..." he mumbled, his voice now quivery. But Dream doesn't hear him...he's already gone...

He wouldn't have really cared anyways...

"Listen carefully..." the wings of pure light shined brightly, and very proudly on the man who was speaking, his assistant looking up at him with emotionless eyes, listening. "Those three are bound to be out today, knowing we'll be busy with the upcoming event..."

"You want me to send guards out...?"


His assistant nods, bowing his head.

"As you wish..."

Cross was sitting on the couch, looking at the news. He was sure, no, positive that the event will be shown on the news. While he was doing that, Nightmare was outside in the backyard, sitting on the steps leading down to the grass. Kevin looks at him curiously before approaching him, jumping into his lap. Nightmare couldn't help but smile at this. Gently placing his hand on Kevin, he carefully strokes his back, feeling the soft, orange feathers running through his fingers.
Nightmare stares off into the distance, thinking deeply. Why is he getting such a bad feeling that something might happen...? Should they just stay home?
No! Nightmare internally yells at himself for thinking such a thing. This is the one chance they've got to have somewhat of a free day! They aren't going to waste it. Nightmare doesn't want to stay home today...he wants to go out today. This is too important to him.
Nightmare lets out a sigh through his nose before standing up, Kevin still snuggled in his arms, and heading back inside where the other two wait.
He sits over by Error at the round table and looks over at Cross, eagerly waiting for the word.
"Today is a great day for this wonderful opening! And we are very honored for the leader of the Justice Reigns, King of positivity, to be here to officially open our great museum!" Cheering came from the TV as the man spoke. The meme squad watches as Dream and Ink walk up onto the stage, next to the mayor of the Northwest part of the Kingdom. Cross looks at the other two, smiling childishly. They both immediately got the idea and smiled as well.
Nightmare sets Kevin down before getting up and slightly stretching. Error doing the same.
"You ladies ready?" Cross says jokingly. Getting a glare from Error and a slight eye roll from Nightmare.
"Let's go." Nightmare walks pass Cross, Error following behind. The three then leave their isolated home, and out into the world in front of them, not knowing what a grave mistake they've made.

"Where to first?" Cross asks, looking over at the other two. Error simply shrugs and looks at Nightmare. Nightmare looks at them both with a face of displeasure, he always was the one to make all the decisions. Cross and Error both laugh nervously, seeing this.

"I personally want to go to the theme park not too far from here." Both nod in agreement.

"Sounds good, it's the perfect place to commit the greatest of pranks," Cross adds with a devilish smirk on his face.

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