Chapter 8 - Plan C

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"You don't laugh that often anymore,"

Dream looks up from his book and over at his other half, who was plucking strings on his violin.

"Is something bothering you?"

The guardian sighs, looking back down at his book. He's had a lot on his mind lately. But all are things he plans not to discuss with Nightmare.

"No," he lies. Of course, Nightmare can see through that instantly, but he decides to drop the subject, not wanting to make Dream angry.
Dream glances over at Nightmare, hearing him beginning to play a tune. It's times like this that makes Dream question why Nightmare feels the need to have to be an ass hole when he's around others. Maybe it's just his way of protecting himself against their insults.
Dream knows. He knows that people of the village never treated him properly, and he knows that's one of the main reasons Nightmare is the way he is. And deep inside he does feel bad that he doesn't spend more time with him. And he knows deep down he shouldn't yell at Nightmare for being who he is.
He just wishes he can help everyone else see the good side of his other half.

That's what he's been thinking about…

He's starting to think that maybe...just maybe…

'No,' Dream pushes away the thought. It's a bad idea and he knows it…

But is it…?

Dream walks through the halls of the castle, thinking as most people do.
Not only does he have to worry about the Meme Squad, but Ari.
He doesn't wish to hurt the kid, but he can't stand aside with him now on their team. Dream always did have a soft spot for children. But why him? Why did he side with them when he knew the cost? It remains a mystery.
What really is bothering him, is a choice. A difficult one. The character he could bring in to help could be a dangerous one, and the person he's thinking of is someone he truly doesn't like. But it could be his only option.
He swings open his office door; seeing that devilish smirk, he knew what he was in for.

"Finally accepting my assistance I see, Dream?" He spoke, his sneer growing seeing the angel's presence

"I can change my mind at any point, Blue…"

That twisted smile was the last thing Dream wanted to see; to his dismay, his decisions led to this.
Dream took a seat at his desk, facing Blue, who has already relaxed in his chair.

"Interesting that you'd call me here," he begins. Straightening his pose, Blue looks up at Dream. In Blue's eyes, Dream could tell that he's finally got what he wanted. Blue was the true master at manipulation, though Dream knew better to not let Blue manipulate him as he did with many others. "So, what do you need? To catch Nightmare? Because I know that's why I'm here."

Dream sat there, silent. If looks could kill, Blue would have been dead on the spot. But this only made Blue's sinister smile spread.
"He got away again, didn't he? And you need my help to catch him again."

"Yes, but there's something else…"

"Oh?" Blue raises and eyebrows, his smile dropping.
Dream redirects his eyes away from Blues, having second thoughts, though it's too late.

"There's a boy from the orphanage….his name is Ari Hudson. He's 15, and he has joined sides with Nightmare. He helped them escape…"

"So you want me to find him and bring him back?"

"Something along those lines…but you could also find out where they're living. If and when you do I want you to report back to me so we can plan an attack..."

Blue's smile returns, letting out a bit of laughter, which threw Dream off guard.

"Funny how you're asking me to do your dirty work angel boy."

"Don't make me regret making this choice…."

"Oh, don't worry...I'll do the job, but I expect you to do a little something for me in the future."

"I'll give it thought…"

"Still stubborn as ever, huh? Fine, I'll do it, and if I succeed you have to pay me back."

He has to accept.
There's no other choice

"So be it…"

"Nightmare, you've been staring at the wall for a good 10 minutes."

Nightmare snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Cross, who had just taken a seat next to him.
Has it really been ten minutes?

"What's wrong?" Nightmare sighs, glancing over at Cross.

"Something doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?"

The moment Nightmare felt it, he knew something was definitely wrong. Hell, he'd had a bad feeling all morning, it was the cause of waking him up at 7 in the goddamn morning. Maybe it was Dream? No that can't be it.

"I feel like we're being watched."

"Shi- what now?"

Nightmare gets up from his seat and makes his way to the door. Cross quickly follows behind as they both head outside. Cross watches as Nightmare heads to the edge of the fence and takes a glance around, completely ignoring the fact Kevin spotted him and ran up to be an annoying chicken.
Because that's what Kevin does.

"You really think we're being watched?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I can feel that someone's near."

"Can you tell who?"


Kevin stopped being a bastard and stood there, looking up at Nightmare. Nightmare simply let out a sigh and picks up Kevin, and begins his way back to the door, Cross following behind.
The past week has been pretty peaceful. Though Nightmare wishes for it to stay that way, he has a deep feeling that it will all change very soon.

"Don't worry about it too much," Cross started, closing the door behind him, "I'm sure it's nothing."

Nightmare holds Kevin, looking out the window Of the kitchen. Lost in thought, he simply says, "ok."
Cross smiles and walks over to the couch, where Error and Ari were sitting most likely playing on the Xbox.
Though Nightmare could try to dismiss the feeling, he simply couldn't after what he saw out the window…

Someone was definitely there…

I've been pretty busy with school and its stressful. I haven't been in the best mood to right and sorry if its short! I'll try to update more often. And for those Twisted Fate fans I'll get to that book soon I promise. I'm working on the chapter now.
Thank you all for your patience)

(OH! And one more thing! Submissions for covers are closing up soon. Official due date is April 25. I'll be taking no more covers after that. But I'll still take any drawings of any story that I've made)

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