spring day | park jimin

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an angst.

March 1, 2020 14:32

Hey babe! How have you been doing? Hahah, nothing has really changed for me. Still the same and boring old y/n you met 6 years ago. I hope you have been doing great. You know, something amazing happened a few days ago. Jieun, our daughter, took her first steps. I was really proud of her. I wished you were there to see it happen. When she took her first few steps, she was so happy. She couldn't stop smiling the whole day. She's adorable. She has an eye smile like you do, she has monolids like you too. Jieun's a female version of you. Anyway, enough about that. I just wanted to say I miss you so much. I miss your smile, your presence, your fluffy hair, your cuddles, your everything. Every night, I worry about you a lot, and wonder how you've been feeling up there.

I didn't want to move on, but I know I had to someday. And I did. His name is Jeonggeuk. He's a really sweet guy and treats Jieun and I right. But even if i'm with him, i can't help to remember you, but someday, i know i have to.

Spring has come again. It's your favourite season. You liked it because you said, and I quote, "In winter, the leaves fall and die. But when spring comes, the leaves grow back and develop beautiful flowers. When you fall and don't have hope, that just makes you stronger, and more beautiful."

Do you remember the first date we had? We were running around the park a lot chasing each other but you tripped and ended up having a minor cut on your nose. I got so worried and started apologizing a lot, but you forgave me.

Do you remember the last day we spent time together a.k.a. the last day you lived before you went into cardiac arrest? You were weak, and I was sobbing. I wanted to say I didn't mean anything I said in the car. I swear. I regret saying it. I told you that I didn't love you, and I regret being in a relationship wih you.

But that was all a lie.

I love you, Park Jimin. And i'll never forget you.

I finish writing, and I put the letter into an envelope.

I place it on your grave that says,

"Park Ji-Min
You will be missed."


woop woop!!! I'm back with another book yall!

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