Taehyung rushed back in bumping into Suga.

"Waeyo! V you alien!"

He shrugged it off and went to his room.

"Laurawwwwr!" Taehyung chimed in with his hands in the air as if imitating a bear.

"What now, hasn't Jin noticed you're out again?"

He smirked. "It's fine, I play hide and seek with hyung all the time. He loves it."

I giggled and rubbed my head.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jin shouted from down the hall.

"Ohhp, hide me!" He ran behind me for cover.

Instead, Jimin entered the room.
I was startled by his presence as I forgot he left us earlier.

Thinking it was Jin, Taehyung peaked out from behind me before gasping "AHH! Ugly boy!"

Jimin just glared at him. "Jin is looking for you, go to sleep."





I turned around and dragged him to the door next to Jimin.

"Please go rest Taehyung." I sighed, giving him puppy eyes.

He pulled a duck face before saying "Aiiish! Okay...thank you again for the cookies. They were spectacular weren't they pabo?"

"I wouldn't know, I didn't get one."

"But I made enough for one each...there's only mine left..."

Our eyes shifted to Tae.

He giggled "Oops."

We hit his arms in sync.
"OW!" he pouted.
Jimin and I exchanged looks then half smiled.

"Taehyung how could you have eaten Jimin's cookie?"

"Mianhae they were just too good!"

Jungkook sleepily stood at the door cooing for Taehyung.
"Taetae come to sleep." He brushed at his arm like a kitten and pulled him out of the room.

"Okay, okay, goodnight peoples!" and with that they ran hand in hand down to Jungkook's room.

There was an awkard silence for a moment before I looked down again at my cookie.

"Uh, hey, you can have my cookie" I said, holding it up in front of him.

Jimin's POV

Just like when she offered the towel, she was offering her cookie.
Does she always like sharing?
It shows that she really cares about others. You can tell she puts others before herself.

Dude, you need to stop rejecting her and just say yes.

"Why don't we half the cookie?"
"Okay." She broke it into two and gave me the bigger half.

"Kamsahamnida...milk goes great with cookies let's get a glass."

We walked to the kitchen and I went to the fridge to get the milk.
For a moment I held open the fridge door just stared into it.

Okay, you're finally going to have some alone time with her. Don't mess this up. What can I talk about? What do I say??

Laura's POV

"No milk?" I called from the kitchen table, as he was staring blankly into the fridge for the past 30 seconds.

"Uh, no I found it!"

He pulled out two glasses and poured in the milk.

He dunked his half of the cookie in the milk and ate a piece.

I did the same.

We looked at each other and smiled.
"It's even better like this." I said.

"Yeah, thank you for sharing with me once again."

I smiled.

"You should definitely make these again and this time put the cookies in the microwave for a while so that they become warm, gooey and soft and eat them with ice cream melting over them."

"Wow that sounds good."

"It really is, I'll make it for you one day, that's a promise."

My heart melted a little inside.
Did Park Jimin just promise that he'd make me a dessert for me one day? That would be so cute.
I felt giddy inside before sharply snapping back into reality.

"Are you okay from earlier? You left for most of the food."

"I'm fine."

He didn't seem it.
Jimin would be 1st. I thought.

Jimin's POV

Her hand reached out and grabbed mine.

"You're no way 7th place Park Jimin."

I stared at her soft hand and then looked up at her.
We shared a warm smile.
She let go of my hand, although I really wish she didn't.

"What rank am I then?" I said confidently.

"That's for me to know...and for you to find out....never." she teased.

"Whaaa? No fair."

She yawned after downing the last of her milk.

"Tired huh?" I said.

"Yeah, a bit, I think I'll go to sleep now. It was nice finally having some time to talk with you."

My chest felt warm.
We stood up and walked to our rooms standing in front of our opposite doors.
I turned to her "I'll see you in the morning then."

"Yep, bright and early, goodnight Jiminnie." she smiled, her eye smile as big as mine.

"Goodnight Laura, sleep well."

Laura's POV

As I closed the door I rested my back against it and slowly slid down to meet the floor.

"Goodnight Laura, sleep well." echoed in my mind.

I will Park Jimin, I will.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.
I heard my phone go off somewhere underneath my trash pile of clothes on my bed.
I rustled around and reached for it to reveal the 34 unread messages and 8 missed calls on my home screen.
Oops. My family and friends back home were trying to contact me all day but I've been so busy with the boys I never thought to contact home.
I couldn't even think to reply to anyone until the morning. All I could think about was him.
I'm just so happy that things are going at ease.

Jimin's POV

I threw off my shirt and jumped into bed.
I shuffled around until I was comfy but instead of laying on my pillow I pulled it down to hug.
I rested my cheek on it and thought of her.
I hope we can have more conversations soon. I want to get to know her better.

End of this chapter!
Hope you all enjoyed it.
I've been planning out what is going to happen in this fic because I've just been writing it without any direction so far.
I've pretty much planned the ending and stuff but it's all the middle bit I need to work on.
Sooo yeah Laura is head over heels for Jimin and their relationship is slowly getting closer.
Jungkook and Taehyung are still being troublemakers and what's this with Suga??😏
We'll have to find out.
Please vote for my story and thank you again for reading! ^^


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