Chapter 44- Unexpected things

Start from the beginning

Callies eyes widened and ran out of bed.

"What are we going to do?" Callie whispered.

"I have an idea!" I said, smiling.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Open the window." I instructed.

She did as I said and slipped on her shoes.

"So we're going to jump?" She asked, already determined.

"No are you crazy!?" I asked her, almost teasingly.

"Well what are we gonna do?!" She asked, fustrated.

"I'm coming in!" Jackson shouted again.

"Watch." I said as I looked down at the grass.

I breathin and out and pulling my hands uo above the grass causing roots to crawl out of the ground and come to the window. I moved my hands left and right, twisting them and in 2 mintute tops a ladder was made.

"Go. I'll stall him." I said, pushing her toward the door.

"I can't let you do that. He's already p*ssed." Callue reasoned.

"I can deal with him." I said, praying she would listen.

"Just tell him I'm on my way to the house. He'll leave."  She told me.

"Okay good idea." I said.

Then we heard a banging noise on the door and you could see a bump in the door.

We both looked panicky as Callie looked unsure of the sturdiness on the ladder.

"Don't worry, its strong enough." I said and she nodded, starting to decend down the stairs.

Then I pulled up my big gurl pants and walked straight toward the door with determination.

I opened it without a seconds hesitation as Jackson fell face forward on the wooden flooring.

He got up and he looked as if steam would come out of his ears and nostrils. His eyes were black and I knew his wolf was about to tear  at my face.

"Where is she?!" He asked, impatiently and rudely.

"She's gone." I explained blankly.

Jackson pushed himself into the room and found the window open with thw vines hanging on the windowsill.

"Where did she go?" He asked sourly.

"Back home." I said. Her home.

Then as if in a blur I was pinned to the wall.

Jacksons face was inches away from mine.  His right arm on my throat, holding me still.  I only had my right hand to keep this arm from choking me.

"Go on." He said.

"I can't move." I said blankly.

"Go on," he said, ignoring my questioning. "Use your powers."

"No. I don't need to do that." I said, kind of getting irritated. You know having his arm pressed uo against your neck isn't a very good position to be in.

"Do it, I dare you." He challenged me, but I felt no threat.

"Why do you want me to do it so badly?" I asked, snappy.

"I want to see you do it." He said, finally answering one of my many questions.

"I'm not gonna do it." I said.

"Do it." He pressured.

"No." I said.

Fine." He said and before I knew what he was doing,  he geabbed my pink cast and started twisting my arm, causing a bone crushing scream from my throat.

I just hoped Drews or Jacksons parents were home, but I knew they were all downstairs taking care of business.

"Do it." He said, through grited teeth.

"No." I said, through gritted teeth, close to tears.

He twisted it again harder, earning another shaky scream from my mouth.

"Save yourself." He said, growing very impatient by now.

"Jackson we are friends, don't do this." I said, fighting.

"I'm not friends with someone who stabs you in the back." He spat.

"What? By fighting off rogues twice to save our pack?" I said sourly back, fighting back.

He slowly twisted my wrist further and I knew it was broken again by now.

I screamed out in pain again as my eyes started to tear up.

"I am your luna. You are the beta. We work together not against." I said, fighting for breath, because my right hand grabbed on to his wrist that was twisting my left hand using my human strength.

He started to shake violently and I knew he was close to shifting,  he knew I was right. I didn't know what to do but my mouth opened up and started shouting.

"Drew! Drew! Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I closed my eyes, I couldn't take this unbearable pain anymore.

And then just like that Jackson was off me.

I opened my eyes to see Drew smacking the crap out of Jackson and pinning him to the other wall, while I crumbled to the ground in pain.

"How dare you!?" Drew growled.

And I knew very well that Drew at tgis point might kill him at this point.

I slowly and carefully got up, walking over to Drew.

I put my good hand on his shoulder and his body instantly relaxed.

"Drew stop. Let him go." I told him.

I thought it would take more convincing bit he listened.

Jackson dropped to the floor. His face covered in blood and bruises.

I kneeled down in front of him.

"You want to see my powers then here you go." I said, with a small smirk.

With my good hand I put it on his cheek and focused on my healing; feeling it flow into Jacksons body.

I don't know why I healed him. To be honest I felt bad. When though he doesn't like me right now, he was still my friend.

His bruises started fading and the blood started to dry up.

I decided he was well enough to stand so I stopped and my hand cupped my bad one.

"Go to Callie now." I said, getting up.

He left not a word or even a sibgle emotion written on his face. Strange.

I sat down in a chair, inspecting my arm.

"Are you okay?" Drew askdd me, walked near me.

"I think he broke another bone." I explained, looking up at him.

"Here." He said kneeling infront of me, putting my bad hand in his lap.

He broke off the cast and we both saw the purple bruise around my wrist.

He took both of his hands and gently started touching my hand, creating sparkling fireworks.

It's almost as if life was on pause, until we were put back in.

He let go and my hand was good as new.

"There." He said, letting go.

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

"So do you wanna go see your uncle?" He asked, changing the subject, scratching the back of his neck.

"Ya." I answered.


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