Chapter 30-Desperate times call for desperate measures

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Lily's Pov:

I woke to my body shaking.

Opening my eyes to see Drew, looking insanely worried and panicking.

"Drew stop!" I groaned.

"Lily! Thank the moon goddess your awake." He said, kissing my lips.

The moon what?

"Of course I'm awake. I wake up everyday!" I said annoyed and hugged the sheets closer to my body.

"You wouldn't wake up for the 20 minutes I've been trying to wake you up." Drew said.

"Maybe I wanted to sleep!" I said, acting annoyed.

"For 12 hours straight?!" He asked.

"Wait, what? 12 hours?" I asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Yeah, I spent the next 20 minutes trying to wake you up." He said.

"Oh well has it ever occurred to you that I might wanna sleep?" I asked teasing.

"I don't know." Drew said like he got caught doing something he shouldn't have.

I rolled my eyes at his cuteness.

"Alright, well I'll meet you downstairs." I said, grabbing the bed sheets and wrapping them around my naked body.

I only made it to the bathroom door before Drew called after me.

I stopped in my place, turning around, hearing his footsteps growing closer.

He whispered softly and soothingly my ear, "I had fun last night." He said, smirking, giving me shivers down my back and making my cheeks turn bright red.

He laughed under his breath, satisfied with how he makes me feel.

He kissed my cheek and then left, shutting the door on his way out.

I quickly jumped in the shower and cleaned myself up. I put on a sunflower crop top and overall shorts. I slipped on some gray vans, before going back into the bathroom to do my make up.

I added some mascara and eyeliner and let my hair air dry into loose waves.

I went downstairs to see everyone besides Leo and Stacy in the living room.

Stacey is apparently in critical condition. Doctor said there is a chance she could die.

Let's just say after we did it we didn't go to bed happy, we went to bed sad and afraid.

I sat next to Drew who automatically put his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer.

"So I think we should all go out tonight." Callie said out of the blue. It's what she's famous for.

"Yes! There's this crazy sushi pla-" Alex said starting to get excited, but suddenly he saw something come up to the great big window.

"Duck!" He yelled, taking Peyton by the waist and jumping over the couch with her.

We had barely 2 seconds before 5 enormous werewolves jumped through the glass spreading everywhere.

The pieces of glass went into my arms and legs, making them sting, but it's bareable.

Drews eyes immediately turned to black in a flash and tackled me to the floor.

"Rogues!" Someone I do not know, yelled running through the door. "Their everywhere! We got ambushed!" he kept on yelling before he shifted and bit one of the rogues that was gonna lung at Jessica.

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