First date

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•You were completely and totally shocked when Asra asked you out.

•It was kind of a traditional date... you know; movie, ice cream, cuddles. 

• He paid for everything (but honestly, we approve-).

• You both plan on going on another one.



•You nervously asked him on the date. 

•You guys went to a local restaurant—it was not, in fact, a bar. It was actually a pretty nice place.

•You guys talked about everything and nothing.

•You guys split the check—but he insisted on paying for desert.

•You both loved it, so of course your planning on another one.



•Ok, not gonna lie, he randomly took your hand and said; "We're going on a date." Soooo.... yeah...

•He's been obsessed with ice cream since he's first tried it so you have your date at an ice cream parlor.

• Despite being an arrogant jerk, he was weirdly less talkative than usual.

•In fact, he was actually taking an interest in what you were saying.

• had to pay for him. But honestly, the smile he gave you was almost worth it. Almost.

•You planned to ask him out on another date—because honestly when will he care enough again to ask you out???



•He was so embarrassed that you asked him out that he started blushing like crazy and could only nod.

•Since he's still a bit too shy to leave the house, you guys just watch a movie together.

•It was super cute, and the only problem was that he wouldn't let you cuddle against him (he got too shy). 

•He plans to ask you for another "movie" (HuN, he mans DATE-) next week.


Ohoho~ I'm tired. 

Did you know that stress can make you want to... oh I don't know... 

Simultaneously jump off a cliff and scream in anger? :)

Enjoy life, don't. geT. STRESSED.

Kai, byeee~



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