First meeting

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Ok, quick warning, I'm only doing Asra, Julian, and Lucio for this one. The next chapter I'll do Muriel, Nadia, and Portia first meeting with you. If the boys in this chapter aren't your cup of tea, just go to the next one. Okay, on to the story! ❤️


"A-Asra? What are you doing here?!" I say, panicking slightly.

"I...I don't know."  He says looking around confused. "It seems I've been teleported to an alternate universe." He looks at me in amusement but that quickly dies as he sees how freaked out I am.

"This has to be an illusion...there's no way Asra just popped out of my phone." I quickly lean over Asra and run my hands through his hair, to check to see if he was real. Although Asra blushes he doesn't pull away. "No way..." I say. "This is one hell of a dream..."

Asra grabs my hands and tugs them out of his soft white hair. "I'm not a dream, nor an illusion Y/N." He says, squeezing my hands to prove it. Recovering from my shock, I blush and help him to his feet. 

"Even if you are real, it doesn't make sense that your here." I say crossing my arms. He gives me a confused smile.

" I'm sure I could figure it out, but it'll take me a bit." I glance over at him. He's not in his world, so he doesn't have anywhere to go. So far, he's been nothing but kind and sweet towards me, so maybe I could let him stay. I look away, embarrassed.

" can stay here if you want. Just until we  an figure out what's going on, of course." I say sneaking a glance at his handsome face. (Can we just all agree that Asra is a SNaCK—

He smiles sweetly. "I appreciate it. I'll help around the house if you'd like, it won't feel right if I don't help you at least." 

"Sounds good." I say, returning his smile. His expression suddenly becomes confused, causing me to tilt my head in curiosity. 

"I just have one question." He says, giving me a half smile.

"Fire away." I say, smiling back at him. 

"So, uh, what's a phone?"  



"Julian? Wha—how—" I say, trying to form a coherent sentence. He looks up at me, just as confused as I am. He recovers much faster than I do and stares up at me in amusement as I continue rambling. "How are you here?" I say, finally managing to speak. He shrugs.

"I thought you'd have an idea. I don't know how all this magic stuff works." I smile nervously at him. Although the character in The Arcana knew how to do magic, I, most certainly, did not. Before I could tell him that, how ever, he stands up. "Are you ok, Y/N?" He asks, noticing my distress. I simply nod and try to figure out a plan. Suddenly an idea springs forward into my mind.

"Julian, I have to tell you something." I say softly, as to make sure that he wouldn't freak out.

"Hm? What is it?" He asks raking his hands through his auburn hair. 


("I'm pregnant." Jk, jk.)

"...I think that you've been teleported to my world somehow." He looks surprised but then a serious expression takes over his features.

"It makes sense. Your room looks... different then what I'm used to. Your clothes as well."

At his words I look down at my outfit self consciously. He notices and tries to back peddle.

"You don't look bad! It's just... different." He cringes at his words and sigh. "I can't fix this. So let me just say that you look beautiful in anything." This time I blush in embarrassment. He clears his throat. "Now, let's get back to business. I might be able to find a way to get me back to Vesuvia if I do some research." I nod in agreement. "But, I need a place to stay while I'm doing this. Do you know anywhere I could go, Y/N?" He asks. I look away.

"You can stay with me, if you'd like." I say shyly. He smirks.

"I'd love to, thanks for offering." He says smiling. "Hey, quick question," I look over at him and nod, telling him to continue. "What's the alcohol like here?"


(Hehe, this one is my favorite...)


"Lucio?!" I say, shocked. He looks up at me with a cocky smirk pasted on his face. "What are you doing here—?"

"Ah~ if it isn't my favorite magician." He says with a wink. I blink in surprise, and my cheeks slightly gain color. Making sure that this isn't a dream, I lean over and pinch his cheek slightly.

"Ow! What was that for?" He says, holding his gauntlet hand over his  cheek.

"Don't be such a a baby, I was just checking to see if you were real." I say, resisting the urge to stick my tongue out at him. At my words he smirks.

"You, know theirs more than one way to figure out if I'm real~" He says, his voice taking on a sultry tone. I blush and and help him up.

"Like what?" I ask, deciding to play with fire." He shoots a wolffish grin at me and moves closer.

"Like... getting me some food." He says patting me on the shoulder. Wait...what? 

(Ha! You thought it'd be something else, huh? Well, it's Lucio. In his mind, he gets what he wants first.)

"Uh, could you repeat that?" I ask. I must have heard him wrong.

"I'm hungry. Traveling to another world takes a lot out of you, so I need food." He says, locking eyes with me. "So go get me some." At his words I became royally pissed off.

"This is my house, you do t have the right to tell me what to do." I say. 

"But I'm your Count! You should be thanking me that I gave you permission to give me food." He says with a cocky smile. I grabbed him forcefully by the collar, dragged him outside, and slammed the door shut.


So how was it? Lucio's story was personally my favorite.

Ugh, who else wishes the Arcana characters really would pop out of a phone and romance you? Life isn't fair. ;-;

Any requests? I know I've just started the story, but I can't wait until I get my first request,, 💕


I don't know what else to put for the Authors Note so I'll let you guys fill in the blanks. ;)

Stay badass!


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