When your out in town (part 2)

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OML, I've got 74 reads! Thank you guys so much!! ❤️Ok, on to the story.


•Visits shops that he finds "suitable" to his tastes.

•Tries every food you come across.(So far, he has a weird interest in fish...)

• Argues with people over the best prices.


• Drags you around town like a rag doll.

• Annoys you the entire time...


"Lucio calm down—" I say, trying to soothe the blonde in front of me.

"B-But he insulted my fur! I'm a Count! He should be groveling on the ground for my forgiveness!" He says, shooting a glare at the shop keeper. Lucio insistently asked to go to this shop, and although I found a really cute sweater, it wasn't worth this temper tantrum he was having.

"Lucio," I say, using my stern voice. "I'll make you a deal. Let's get out of here, and I'll buy you some ice cream." He blinks at me in confusion.  

"Uh...you know what I've cream is, right?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Oh, my poor boy. Let me show you heaven on earth." (Uhh...sorry if you don't like ice cream or are lactose intolerant...) I drag Lucio to an ice cream stand and give a sweet smile to the ice cream girl.

"May I have one cookies and cream? And...how about a—"

"Ooh! I want a royal vanilla twist!" Lucio cuts in. I smile at his enthusiasm and pay the lady. As soon as we get our ice cream we sit on a bench. Taking my first bite I nearly moan into the spoon. Christ, that's good. I look over at Lucio, only to see him staring at the spoon, uncertainly.

"What? You to chicken?" I say, knowing that teasing him will do the trick. He gives me an annoyed face before quickly eating it. His eyes widen and he gasps. 

"This...this is amazing! I must bring this to the people of Vesuvia! This will be our official desert in the palace!" He says, eating chunks at a time.

"U-Um... maybe slow down. You'll get a brain freeze." I say. He scoffs.

"Don't worry about me. I'm used to the cold. Besides I'm the count. Nothing can even touch me—Argh!" He flinches and presses his hands to his head. "What is this? Y/N, save me!" He cries. Although it's just a brain freeze and you know it'll end, you still wrap your arms around him, telling him that everything will be fine.

"Lucio, it's ok. I'm here for you." I say.

(Authors POV)

While you hug him, your words take effect and he starts blushing. Unfortunately for you, you can't see his face because you too busy hugging him.



Pfft, like he'd ever go into town. Especially when he's in another universe.

Hehe...plz don't hurt me...;-;



• Tries every new shop you come across.

• Extremely excited about every little thing.

• Honestly? You have to drag her away from the stores.


"Y/N, look at this!" I sigh as Portia drags me to yet another store. As much as I love spending time with her, she can be pretty forceful when it comes to shopping. I guess you kind of have to be in a city like Vesuvia.

"Y/N, no, look at this!"

"Ooooh~ Y/N look how cool this is!" 

"Ah! Is that a cat on a pillow?! Pepi would be so jealous!"

"Y/N, Y/N! Y/N?" Portia calls out as you swiftly walk away. 

Lesson learned; never go to the mall with the countesses hand maiden.

(Look, I know it's short... but I'm pretty positive that's how a shopping day with her would go)



• Checks out different teas.

• Likes people-watching.

• Likes trying out different foods and clothes. (...yoga pants are her new obsession.) 


honestly couldn't figure out a good story for this one. Let's just say she is as elegant as ever...

...even in yoga pants. Lol.


Okay, well, I'm done. I know I said I wouldn't post this weekend but I had some free time so I thought, you know, "what the hell, might as well post". 

Hope you guys liked it. I know it was shorter than usual, but I'll make it up to you next time.

WAH. I suck at these.



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