First meeting (part 2)

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(For the sake of the story, Muriel's curse doesn't work. Kay? Kay.)

"Muriel?!" I say in astonishment. He flushes as he looks at me and slowly gets up.

"Hey... Y/N." He says softly. I lightly touch his arm to check if is real. Muriel visibly tenses and moves away, blushing. I move a reasonable distance away from him as I gasp in surprise. Despite it only being for a second, I definitely felt the warm muscle of Muriel's arm against my hand.

" are you here right now?" I ask, slightly alarmed. Despite my shock I felt a surge of excitement at his presence. He always was one of my favorites. His kind heart, despite his large size, never failed to make me melt into a puddle. 

"I...don't know..." He says, just as confused as I am. He looks around before his head whips back towards me. "Where's Inanna?" His shy features taking on a serious expression. I blink in surprise before shaking my head.

"I don't know. She wasn't with you when the light stopped." I say, trying to keep him calm. He looks around my room, hurriedly. Like he's trying to find her. 

"Muriel, she's not here." I say, grabbing his arm. He pulls his arm back, clearly distressed.

"I have to find her!" He yells. I grip his shoulders and look him straight in the eyes.

"I'll help you find her. We'll figure out a solution, but first I need you to calm down." He takes a few deep breaths and blushes at the position we're in. We separate and I look at him again. "You can stay with me until we can figure out a way to get you back to her." He smiles sweetly and gives me a nod.

"Yeah, I'd...I'd like that."

(Sorry, that one was kind of short...)



(This is for you, @unwrittenLK)

"Portia?!" I yelled. The beautiful auburn haired girl sat on my floor staring at me like I'd gone insane.

"Jeez, Y/N, there's no need to yell." She says, getting to her feet. She brush's off her clothing and puts her hands on her hips. "Where are we, anyways?" 

" my world?" I say,  confused. She looks just as confused and starts laughing.

"What do you mean? C'mon, the countess requested you for tea this afternoon so we've got to get going—AH!" Portia says, tripping over a pile of clothing on the ground. "What the—" 

"Portia," I say, gripping her forearms."Your not in Vesuvia anymore. I think that you've been teleported to my world, somehow." She looks into my eyes and sees that I'm being completely serious. Then panic sets in.

"If I'm not there who's going to look after that idiot brother of mine? And what about the countess? Oh no... Pepi doesn't have anyone to feed her! I have to get back! You'll help me, won't you, Y/N?" She says, now gripping my shoulders. I nod and she pulls me in for a hug. I blush as she releases me and looks around.

"Jeez, this place is a mess. Since you helping me, I guess I can deal with the household chores for ya. It's the least I can do." She smiles.

"Sure. Thanks." I say. As I walk away to go get some water I hear her mutter underneath her breath.

"Where's a flamethrower when you need one?"



(Sigh. I'll attempt this...)

"Nadia? What are you doing here?" I ask, shocked. She stares up at me, clearly shocked as well. 

"I can't seem to remember how I got here, my apologies Y/N." She says. I gaze down at her and hold out my hand to help her up. She takes my hand gently and stands up. "Why, thank you Y/N." She says, elegantly. I smile and start thinking.

"Nadia, this may sound crazy, but it's the only explanation I've got." I take a deep breath. "I think you may have been teleported to an alternate reality—my reality." I risk a glance at her face bit all I see is elegance and kindness in her eyes. 

"It makes quite a lot of sense now. Everything looks much different than what I'm used to in Vesuvia." Her smile grows sad at the mention of Vesuvia. 

"Is something wrong, countess Nadia?" I ask, remembering her official tittle.

"Please, there's no need for formality's, after all, this isn't my world. I'm just worried about my people. My courtiers aren't the most..." she pauses, as if looking for a word. "Suitable for maintaining peace. I must get back as soon as I can." I nod. 

"If you'd allow me, Nadia, I could try to help you." I say. She looks at me and smiles.

"Thank you for your kindness, Y/N. I'll remember that when I get back to Vesuvia." She says. He eyes quickly show curiosity in them and I ask her what she was thinking.

"Just how that this could be a learning experience. I've been wanting to find a new punishment protocol, and this may be my opportunity to find one." She says, smiling. And I smile right back.


Ughhhhhhh so tired. Here's a tip; don't stay up till 3:30 am. when you have to get up at 6:00. 

So~ how was the chapter? 

I'm not gonna lie, I feel like when I did Nadia and Portia's stories they weren't as good as the others. I do hope you guys enjoyed it anyway, though. Sorry for taking so long to do the second part, Ill try to update as soon as I can. 

'Kay, I think I'm don't with the authors note.

Stay badass!



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