Chapter 14

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Nini's POV:

The sun was getting ready to set when Ricky and I finally caved from the freezing cold water and made our way back onto the dock.

I started to fling some of the excess water off of me before putting my somewhat warm clothes back on. I shivered as the air got cooler and the water started to soak into my clothes. It was freezing now. Before I knew it, a large blanket was being wrapped around me, followed by the warmth of Ricky hugging me from behind.

He rested his head on my shoulder as he hummed, "mmm, much warmer." I smiled and turned my head back to give him a quick peck on the lips before turning back to watch the sun finally fall below the horizon, and the night fall upon us.

Ricky started walking towards the end of the dock before laying down on his back and laying his arm beside him, motioning for me to join, which I did. I laid next to him and wrapped the blanket around the both of us, resting my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around mine. And we stared at the stars.

After a while Ricky spoke.

"I really do love you Nini." He turned to face me, "I do."

I smiled wide, and brought my hand to his face as I admired his features. It was about a minute before I responded,  "Do you believe in fate?" I asked him, my hand still resting on his cheek.

He turned his head back up to look at the stars and pondered my question for a little before responding, "No, not really," he said while still looking up at the stars, "but I do believe that everyone was put on this earth for a reason," he turned his head to look at me again, "and I believe that you and me are meant to for each other." I laughed again and turned fully on my side to face him.

"But isn't that fate?"

He paused again, "No. Because no one has fated us to be together, only we can decide that for ourselves."

I never thought about it like that. I turned back into my back and looked back up at the stars. The subject of fate always confused me. I mean wasn't it the fate of each of these stars to become what they are now? I mean all stars will make their way into the sky eventually, so wasn't that the fate of a star? To become so big and bright but then end up looking like every other star in the sky, just a tiny dot of light in the eye of a person?

My thoughts became disrupted when I heard Ricky's laugh, "why the deep question?"

To be honest, I don't really know why I asked him that. It just sort of came out.

"I guess..." I started, "I just wanted to know if we were fated to be together." I sat up and looked at him, "I mean we made it through one hurdle in our relationship, but-" he slowly sat up, "what makes you think we'll be able to make it through all the other hurdles if there's no such thing as fate?"

He grabbed my hand with both of his and pulled it to his chest. "Listen, we don't need fate to tell us wether we should or shouldn't be together, okay? If we want to be together we'll be together." He kiss my hand in his, "no matter what, okay?"

I nodded.

He was right, I love him and he loves me and that's all the confirmation I need to know that we'll be alright.

We stayed on the dock for about an hour before finally heading back home.

We made it to my house and Ricky walked me to my door.

"Your dad won't be mad will he?" I asked as Ricky's hands rested on my waist while mine were rested around his neck.

He gave me his cute little smirk, "mad? Please he'll be bouncing off walls when I walk through the front doors."

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