Chapter 12

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Nini's POV:

I couldn't believe it. He was actually moving. Just when things were looking up for us.

I walked into rehearsal the next day and was immediately ambushed.

"What happened?"

"Did you hear from Ricky?"

"Have you seen him at all?"

I stopped walking and stood there. I was mad. Mad at EJ for picking on Ricky. Mad at Ricky's Parents for making him leave. Mad at him for actually leaving. But right now I was just mad at everyone for not minding their own business.

"Yes!" I shouted, startling everyone. "Ricky's not coming back, okay? Let's just get on with the show." I kept walking, ignoring all the murmurs and whispers from behind me.

"Wait what do you mean he's not coming back?" I heard Carlos ask. When I didn't answer he asked another question, "Hold on, you mean that text he sent Big Red wasn't a prank? He's really not coming back?"

Hearing Carlos say the words out loud really hit me hard. Because until I heard it out loud, I still hadnt fully believed it. But it was true. Ricky was leaving.


"What?" I laughed unable to tell if he was kidding or not. I stared into his eyes and saw the sadness and hurt within them. He was telling the truth.

"Since when? What- why-" I couldn't find the right words. He shrugged and explained, "my mom's making me go with her. She says I need a fresh start." He put quotes around the last two words. He shook his head in disbelief. I just sat there with my mouth open, tear stained face and all, looking like an idiot.

"When?" Was the only word I could manage to say without choking on my tears.

He looked at me and then back at the floor, "in four days." He said quietly. I couldn't move. Four days?! Why was he leaving so soon??

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked, genuinely hurt by the idea that he would've left without saying goodbye. He didn't answer at first, and for a second I thought he wasn't going to, but then he looked up at me, tears in his eyes, "because I was afraid that if I told you, it would make it that much harder to leave everything." He looked back at the ground, then quietly said in almost a whisper, "to leave you."

Oh. OH. Was this Ricky's way of telling me how he felt? All I knew was that I felt the same way. I don't know how I'm supposed to live without Ricky by my side. That's how it's been since- since the very beginning.

I didn't know what else to say. What else was there to say? There was nothing I could say or do that could keep him here. And the worst part is that I know he's thinking the same thing, he probably has been all week.

I slid myself closer to him on the bed and placed my hands on his shoulders, then started to rub his back with my hand in slow circles. I was just trying to comfort him. He'd probably felt tired of talking. Of crying. I needed to be here for him, despite whatever I was feeling right now. I needed to be with him now, because this could be our last moment together.


My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't do this. Not without him.

But I had to. It's what he would want. As always the show must go on.

I sharply turned around to face everyone, forcing the tears back down.

"Ricky's not coming." I repeated. "I can't tell you all why, but I can tell you that he's okay and that all he wants is for us to move on with the show."
I gave an unconvincing smile as everyone just stared back at me, confusion plastering their faces. I knew they wanted to ask more questions but I wasn't going to answer them.

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