Chapter 3: Music Class

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Kanye swung his backpack over the back of a chair and sat down. Jay slumped into the chair next him and Cudi trailed behind. Kanye looked around and noticed there didn't seem to be a lot of other people taking music this year.

"Damn no one takes music huh," Kanye commented. Just then in walks Kim. Kanye's jaw dropped.

Jay looked back at him, "Yeah, no, not really," he snickered. "Close your mouth, you might catch flies."

Kim was with one of the girls she was sitting with at lunch. They walked over to the corner of the room and sat down and took out their binders. Soon after, the teacher, Mr. Jackson, walked in and pulled out a roll book.

"Ok guys, We are going to go ahead and get started on your final projects. I know it's only the start of second semester but it's a big project so I want you to start thinking about it now. You and a partner will be writing, composing, and preforming an original song," Mr. Jackson announced.

Kanye immediately looks to Jay. They could definitely write a fire rap song with some of Jays lyrics.

"Don't worry I will be picking partners for this project," Mr. Jackson clarified. There was a collective groan throughout the classroom.

"Oh don't be like that," Mr. Jackson said, "I think you will get a lot out of learning how to work with new people. I will hand out partner assignments in a few days, but I want you to be thinking about what you want to accomplish with this project."

"Damn it," Jay grunted, "what if I get fuckin Jah."

"Who's Jah?" Kanye asked quickly scanning the room.

"Oh you didn't notice him? I can't blame you," Jay chuckled.

"He means Jahseh. He's the only other person who takes this class," Cudi interjected, "he always sits in the back, he's pretty quiet."

"Yeah, and that's coming from you!" Jay chortled.

"Quiet down! Today we're going to be learning about conducting in cut time."

Mr. Jackson began to drone on while Kanye daydreamed about the song he would write.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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