Chapter 1: Universe City High

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Kanye quickly pulled his leather black jeans on and ran downstairs.

"Have a good day! Make some new friends! I love you!" Kanye's mom yelled as he raced out the door.

"I love you too!" Kanye yelled back. It's the first day at a new school and he's going to be late. Great. This is his chance to start over. Make things right.

He soon arrived at his new school, Universe City High. Kanye rushed quickly into the english building looking at all the numbers trying to find the right door.

He finally arrived at his homeroom. Classroom 808.

Kanye took a moment to breathe before opening the door to his classmates. Everyone turned to look at him as he sheepishly entered the class room.

"Oh, you must be the new student. I'm Mrs. Smith, Kane was it?" the woman whom he assumes was the teacher asked him.

"Um, it's pronounced Kan-YAY, ma'am."

"Oh, sorry Kanye, please take a seat," Mrs. Smith gestured towards the desks.

Kanye looked around the room and there seemed to only be one desk left towards the back. He quickly walked down the aisle and took the only open seat next to a kid wearing a Yankees hat. He was writing in a notebook and looked pretty into it, but looked up when Kanye sat down.

"Sup, I'm Jay."

"I'm Kanye," Kanye held his hand out for a handshake but Jay was already back to writing in his notebook.

"What are you writing? It looks interesting," Kanye asked.

"Oh, it's nothing just a little rap I've been working on. I don't know, it's kinda stupid," Jay let out a little laugh and closed the notebook, pushing it aside. Kanye sat up a little bit, intrigued.

"Bro, I love rap! Can I read what you've been writing?" Kanye asked.

"You probably won't like it, I'm not that good," Jay brushes him off and puts the notebook in his backpack before turning back to Kanye with a smile. Kanye returns the smile and before he can say anything else Mrs. Smith starts talking.

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