Chapter 3-There's Gonna be Some Walkin'

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        "How's my favorite son faring today?" Hisashi asked, he was wearing a black suit with a purple tie. Today must be an important one if he was dressed this formally, but Izuku couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Inko sat behind him at the table sipping tea. The aroma of tea leaves had wafted into Izuku's nose by now, "I'm doing fine, I don't think I got sleep though." As if on queue, he rubbed his eyes, how long had he been up again? "Well that's not good. Maybe you should get some sleep, honey," his mother said. "I probably will, but I want to clear my head first. I'll be back from my 'walk' in a bit," Izuku turned back around. "See you when I get back mom, have a good day at work dad," he started for the door. "Alright, goodbye, honey," Inko called from the table. "I'll join you in leaving, Izuku," Hisashi said as Izuku grabbed the door handle. "Alright, I'd actually enjoy some company right now," he replied as he opened the door. He exited his home and was soon followed by Hisashi.

         Swiftly, Izuku rolled down the pathway until he came to the elevator. He turned to see his dad running to catch up with him, "I never thought I'd have to be running after you like this." Hisashi said when he finally stood next to his son; the elevator opened as soon as Izuku clicked the button. The two of them entered the small metallic box, "sorry about that. I'm not used to going slow," Izuku looked at the ground. "It's fine..." Hisashi sighed, "it really is a shame that I'd have to run after you when you're like this..." he trailed off, leaving a foreboding feeling that he wanted to say something more. "Ah, I was going to say something, but it doesn't really matter anymore," Hisashi looked down at his son and smiled. Izuku returned the smile, "say, what's that in your lap?" Izuku picked the power device up, "this? I've supposedly been building a power source that runs off of a heartbeat," he handed it to Hisashi who closely examined it.

        "Or at least that's what my old blueprints are telling me, I had to make some changes obviously seeing as it was a bit too small before." Hisashi looked at it with wonderment in his eyes, "you made this?" Izuku nodded, "wow...I-I'm proud of you. Not only can you smile in these hard times, but you continue to make everyone around you impressed." Izuku's smile gradually grew while his cheeks turned redder, "y-you don't really have to say that." Hisashi scoffed, "quite the opposite," the elevator door opened and they both walked out. "This is...this is a masterpiece!" He handed the device back to Izuku, "that's enough though, I've got to get to work now. See you later, Izuku." He started walking off to the left quite quickly, too quick for Izuku to call after him and tell him that he was going the wrong way. "Eh it doesn't matter, he probably found a new shortcut." His smile didn't fade as he began to roll off to the right, down a sidewalk that would eventually lead to the Musutafu beach.

        "It's really nice out today," Izuku said as he looked up at the sky. "The sun's shining and the water looks pristine, maybe I'll call Uraraka and tell her to meet up there." He smiled as a nice warm breeze passed by him, "this is what April's like? If only the entire year could be just like this day, then maybe I'd come out more." As he passed by an alley way Izuku looked to the left, directly at a small dog with fluffy ears that was pulling on its owner's leash trying to go over to him. He showed his teeth as he smiled and waved towards the lady and her loyal friend. He pushed his wheels again before coasting forward while reaching into his pocket. "Dang it, I have to go back," he let the wheelchair come to a natural stop before turning around and rolling towards home. He rolled in front of the alley way again, but some sort of cry compelled him to stop. It sounded like a dog whimpering; with his heart of good and gold, Izuku decided to see why there was a dog in the alley.

        When Izuku turned the corner, he could see the dog from before. "What are you doing here?" He rolled closer to it, "where's your owner?" He closed in on the whimpering pup, it didn't seem to move from that spot. He reached in to pick it up, when it opened its mouth, showing a set of pearly white human teeth. "Why don't you know? My owner's right behind you," Izuku turned his head to see whoever was behind him, but there wasn't a thing there. Suddenly, a hand emitting a sweet scent clasped around his mouth and nose, he tried to fight it but felt weakened. Within a few moments, he passed out, "there, the deed is done. Does he have the item we seek, Lana?" The dog hopped up onto Izuku's lap, it grabbed the power source. "Alright, turn back into your original form and call upon master, tell him we have Izuku."

I'm Weak, But Tougher Than Iron (A My Hero Academia Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें