Your Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare- Ch 10

Start from the beginning

"Beautiful, my dear! You could become a designer, you know?" She complimented.

"Thanks. And I don't think being a designer would be a great career for me," I answered.

"Well, then how about try joining the fashion club?" Ms. Sapphire Avery asked.

"Well, Ms. Sapphire Avery.."

"Please call me Sapphire or Ms.S, which ever you prefer,"

"Well, Sapphire," I started. I preferred calling her Sapphire since Nicole Anne called her Ms. S. Dare to be different, right? "I would, but I might be busy with all the homework and,"

"Don't knock it yet, if you ever want to you can just hop in on a meeting, since I run the club, but whenever you need extra credit just come to the club. I like to give students credit for their work to count with their actual grades, just for the fun of it,"

"Hmm, I'll consider it sometime then. Thanks Sapphire," I smiled.

"No problem, my dear," She put the uniform on a hanger, "Here's your uniforms, make sure to iron it before tomorrow, it's got some wrinkles," She winked.

"Sure thing," I took the hanger and raced to my room.

"Omg!" Claire and Summer gushed, "It's gorgeous!"

"It's okay," I replied.

"You really have a gift, Chesa," Claire said.

"It's honestly beautiful," Summer complimented.

"What color did you two get?" I asked. I didn't have a chance to talk to them at all after the assembly. All I remember was hopping of the stage and Sapphire pulling me to her office. I was quite frightened actually. I didn't want to be in trouble on the first day, even though I did kinda almost start a fight with Nicole Anne and Chris.

"White," They both said in unison.

"I should've known," I smiled, "There is no possible way that either of you would've been in the dark class,"

"But I really wanna know why you got both colors," Summer said.

"Yeah, I wonder too," I sighed.

"There's only been one other person like you," Claire said.

"Wait, so I'm not the first?" I asked.

"Nope," Claire answered, "Being on both sides or classes, whatever you wanna call it, is really rare. The only other person who was in both groups was a young women named Tala Santos. Her sister, Marisol, was a year younger than her. They were like two peas in a pod, always together,"

"Wait, did you say Marisol and Tala Santos?" Summer asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because those are-" Summer began.

"Quite unique names, but I do believe they're Filipino," I softly nudged her, hoping she caught on.

"Yeah, they were," Claire said. "Both of them were very gifted and special. Not only that, but they were both equally beautiful," Claire leaned in closer to us and whispered, "And get this, Tala Santos used to date Dean Knight, the principal himself," she smiled widely expecting us to be freaking out. Instead, both Summer and I had our eyes wide open and our mouths gapping in shock, you could pretty much fit twenty tennis balls in our mouths. "But I heard Tala cheated on him on her trip with Marisol to the Philippines, that she got knocked up most probably, running away from the school with a child in her womb as well as her friend Marisol. No one knows to this day what happened to either of them. But that's what rumors say anyway,"

I for one could not stand to hear this. DEAN KNIGHT, MY PRINCIPAL, DATED MY FREAKING MOM! Know you don't ever hear a mother confessing to her daughter that the reason why the principal hates you is because I totally cheated on him for some random stranger I met on vacation. Yeah, that sounds like a lovely story to tell your daughter. And not only did I cheat on him, but I got knocked up by him as well. Even lovelier. Jesus, what had my mom gotten herself into?

"But that's not all," Claire continued, I silently groaned. "There's a possibility that Dean Knight could be the father of that child not the stranger because I overheard a conversation where Dean and Mr.Braun were playing a childish and rather girlish game of truth-or-truth. Dean confessed to doing 'it' with Tala AND Marisol, but at separate times, meaning that either of the daughters or sons could belong to Dean as well," she squealed as she told the juicy gossip. Claire stared at our facial expressions. "Why do you guys look as pale as a vampire?"

I gulped, "Um,"

"Uh-h-h," Summer stammered.

"Was it that juicy of gossip that both of y'all are speechless?" She hoped. We just nodded in unison. "Yes! I was hoping to get that kind of reaction!" She praised herself, while Summer and I just sat there, like statues, realizing that there was a possibility that one or both of us could be Dean's daughter! Or worse, Chris's SISTER!!


Everyone I'm soo sorry I haven't updated lately.

School has gotten harder and more complicated!

I promise to update as much as I can since I'm on break now.

Thank you all for reading my stories!  

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