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Perplexed, Jason looked at the young Cinder woman, slightly confused by the words she just uttered

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Perplexed, Jason looked at the young Cinder woman, slightly confused by the words she just uttered. "What do you mean, she's the reason you left this place?" Eris looked down, uneasy once more as she turned her head. "I'm not ready to talk about that yet. Sorry." she stood up, balling the wraps that were around her hand in one of them, squeezing hard as her nails dug in her skin. "You don't have to be sorry." the dark brown haired inquired calmly. The platinum blonde sighed, mouthing a small thank you as she walked out of the training room.


The spiderwoman looked in front of her, numerous documents and pictures displayed in front of her in the table, the blue light of the room illuminating the features of her face and her boots kicked up on the table. "What are you doing?" a voice behind her wondered. The vigilante turned her head, recognizing the voice as Gar's. "I'm looking over a case. Local mafia. Got a tip and I had him arrested like yesterday. Now I just need to wait to roll up his whole organization." Gar chuckled uncomfortably at the young Cinder woman's word.

"Local mafia huh? Well what are you waiting for? You're like this, super cool hero, you can take them on." Eris lifted an eyebrow, mildly amused by the Logan boy. "More like Bulgarian maffia. And thanks for the confidence. Can't say that many people have that in me." the platinum blonde joked darkly. "I need to wait until there's some kind of...event. One that brings this man's associates out." the vigilante tapped on an obscure man's picture.

"Richard 'Grievous' Davidson. His right hand man was practically ready to take over from him so in a way, I did him a favor by getting him arrested. This means that he's slightly dull from the power switch, weak, and like I said, I just need to wait for the right moment to swoop in and get all of them arrested." the Cinder woman shrugged at her own remark. "That opportunity will come. Mafia dudes need to make money somehow right?" the green haired boy replied mockingly, before his smile faded under the spiderwoman's gaze. "Well you got that right."


With a loud yawn, the platinum blonde stretched out her arms, eyes viewing the many monitors in the room. God how she sometimes hated surveilance. Her stomach rumbled loudly, causing her to crease an eyebrow. Standing up and shoving the chair aside, Eris wandered down the halls as she headed for the kitchen. "Where are you?" she murmured to herself before spotting the giant bag of doritos on the topshelf, slighty tucked away.

The young Cinder woman rolled her eyes, before planting her foot against the wall and then the other and before she knew it, she stood on the wall sideways, casually walking to the ceiling as she grabbed the bag, tearing it open. "Fuck heights." the spiderwoman remarked as she munched the food, Dick's figure standing in one of the doorways, looking perplexed at the 19 year old sitting on a damn wall, eating doritos and saying fuck you to gravity.

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