Chapter 1.5: Intermission

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<Navigator's Point Of View>

Meanwhile in heavens bright white system control room. An androgynous person wearing a white casual shirt and jeans stood looking at the graphs displayed on several monitors while being served by a beautiful winged maiden in white armor.

[Sfx]: "Boom!!"

"Navi! What happened to my summoned heroes?!"

Screamed the blonde man cloaked in gray robes as he busts his way into the room.

"Why are there only nine out of ten who made it?!"

[Navi]: "My apologies, Milord Umanest. One had died during the Beta testing stage."

The androgynous person called Navi said as he courteously bowed to Lord Umanest.

[Umanest]: "Apologies don't cut it! I had sacrificed one hundred of my precious human follows to summon those ten heroes and you're telling me that one had died under your care?!"

[Navi]: "Indeed, that was exactly the case-"

[Sfx]: "Slammm!!"

Navi said until Umanest had cut him off with his slammed onto the table.

[Umanest]: "It seems I didn't make myself clear. GET ME TEN HEROES OR ELSE."

Umanest said with a glare towards Navi.

[Navi]: "... Throw a tantrum all you want, but it still won't get you what you want. The system does not work that way. At the same time, I am merely the system's caretaker. I don't possess the authority to provide such miracles."

[Umanest]: "Really?"

Umanest said as he walked towards Navi with his back straight and his fist clenched tight.

[Navi]: "Yes-"

[Sfx]: "Thuck!! Slide!"

Navi said until Umanest had cut him off yet again but this time with his fist to Navi's Face. Navi was sent flying, sliding three meters on the ground.

[Navi]: "Ugh... You are as violent as ever when it comes to your precious humans..."

Navi said as he was trying to get up with golden fluid dripping from his mouth. Umanest, on the other hand, did not care anymore to what Navi had to say as he walked out the door.

"Milord Navigator."

The winged maiden said as she handed Navi a handkerchief while helping him up.

[Navi]: "Thank you Valkyrie."

[Valkyrie]: "You are most welcome, Milord Navigator... Forgive me but may I ask, why didn't you just give Lord Umanest the Beta Tester's soul? Wouldn't that have prevented you from Lord Umanest's wrath?"

[Navi]: "That wouldn't have worked Valkyrie... Because the Tester's soul is beyond repair..."

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