The Haunted House of Yellow St. (part one) [D-Gang Oneshot]

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     A lonely house sat upon a hill in the cold, autumn night. The cool wind brushed the bare branches of the singular, dead tree in the yard and made the front gates of the metal fence surrounding the place squeak. Bats flew past the full moon on this starry, cloudless night, their high-pitched chirps heard by the people gathered by the front gates of the house. It was the perfect night for something to go wrong.

     Dashlie whistled as she looked at the house past the gates. The front porch light was on. "That's a big house," she commented and turned to the others. "You wonder if anyone is home?"

     "Impossible," said DDawn with disinterest. "No one's lived in that house for a century." Dead leaves blew through the gaps of the fence and littered the sidewalk. The eerie vibe that set in did not seem to faze DDawn. In fact, the robot looked extremely bored. The pug standing next to him, however, greatly contrasted that mood, for he was bouncing from foot to foot excitedly as he stared at the lonesome mansion in the distance, the backpack on his back jumping with him.

     "Why are we here, again, Duni?" Don questioned as he leaned against the fence, the bell of his jester hat giving a dull jingle as he shifted his weight.

     Duni clapped his paws together, almost ecstatic. "Because!" he said. "My gut has been telling me to go investigate this place ever since we moved into the neighborhood and learned this house was haunted! Now we can be like Buzzfeed Unsolved and figure out if those rumors are true by spending the night here! If it's not haunted... we can do a little fixer-upper and call this place our own! It is very nice house." He fiddled with straps of his backpack and smiled brightly, but Richard shared none of his excitement.

     "I-I don't know, Duni," he stammered, face paler than usual. He scratched the nape of his neck nervously as he watched an ant crawl along the sidewalk. "That seems kinda dumb. Why not just head back home and sleep there?"

A sudden smile grew on Dashlie's face, and she turned to Richard with an amused glint in her eye. "Awww, is wittle Richie scwared of the big bwad ghosties in the scwary house? Awww poor bwaby!" she teased, making Richard glare at her.

"I'm not scared!" he defended through gritted teeth. "I just know that there were, like, literally ten people who were murdered in that house!"

"That was a century ago!" laughed Dashlie.

"Yeah, but the murderer literally slaughtered everyone in that house in one night and f*cking hung himself after!" exclaimed Richard, tightening his fists. Dashlie crossed her arms and smirked.

"Sounds like your scared," she said.

"I'm not scared."

Duni gave a soft, excited woof and drew attention to himself. Holding up his phone to everyone, he smiled. "Not only what Richard said about the house is true," he said, looking at everyone in turn, "but there have been dozens of cases where people have gone in there and experienced violent paranormal behavior. And there was even a case where three people committed suicide in this place!"

Richard retreated into his autumn jacket and shoved his sweaty hands into his pockets. "We definitely shouldn't go in there," he said, almost pleading. Dashlie laughed at him, making the man shoot yet another glare in her direction. "Did you not hear what he just said? That place is f*cked up. I'm not scared, I'm just... disturbed by the history." Dashlie nodded at him, almost like she was humoring him.

    "And I haven't even told you about the ghost stuff!" Duni said, putting his phone away so fast it almost slipped out his hands. The pug smiled at everyone. "But I'll keep that a secret until we are inside. We can go in the living room and talk about it like in Buzzfeed Unsolved!"

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