Unfinished Oneshots (#2): To Live Again

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[again, I never finished this one. The setting is THQ2

ONE-SHOT NAME: To Live Again
Hope you enjoy either way]

My eyes shot open, and all of a sudden my senses came crashing down on me. I gasped in air as I felt the warm breeze rustle the grass around me and brush against my skin. I could hear the ocean waves in the distance, but the grass was too tall to see around it as I stayed laying on the ground for a moment, trying to process what was happening.

And that's when it hit me. I was back. I could feel, I could see, I could smell, I could heard - and the sky wasn't a dark void anymore! But what of the others? I wondered to myself. Hesitantly, I slowly pulled myself up to a sitting position, still not entirely believing any of this was real. I looked around, still not tall enough to see over the grass completely but still able to make out a tree line close by as well as a beach in the near distance. I thought of where I could possibly be, for I didn't recognize the place at all. Was I alone? If so, where were the others?

"WHAT THE-" I heard a voice suddenly shout from nearby, startling me a bit. There was movement in the grass beside me, and I watched as the figure of someone rather familiar popped up over the tall grass. She looked around, her red eyes wide with shock and the wind blowing her white hair in all directions. "Where the hell am I..?"

"Hah. Hey, you have two eyes again," I laughed and stood up, revealing myself. The grass reached up almost to my shoulders while it only reached to Dashlie's stomach. It put a bit of a suppression on my cool-factor when she laughed a little at my stature, but I kept my composure and narrowed my eyes at her. "Hey, stop laughing. You're the one who used to look like you were the child of a skeleton."

"Oh, yeah?" Dashlie said, putting a hand on her hip and stifling her giggles. "Well, Don, you're the one wearing glasses that make your eyes look like two moons right now."

I gave her a confused glance and reached up to my face, only to realize she was right. "What the- Why do I have..?" I took the glasses off because I obviously didn't need them, but that was when my eyes widened at seeing the world as one big smear, remembering I was legally blind as I sheepishly put the glasses back on. I couldn't know what the glasses looked like if I even tried to squint. They could be two coke cans for all I knew. Dashlie continued to laugh at me.

"What the hell is that awful noise-? Oh, of course, it's you," a new, scratchy voice chimed in, and I looked over in time to see the familiar figure of Dick slowly rise up from the tall grass suddenly, his messy, black hair containing a few leaves and pine needles. He squinted at me through his horn-rimmed glasses. "What the f*ck is on your face?"

"What the f*ck is in your hair?" I retaliated, and he reached up to grab at a leaf tangled in his black locks. Dick looked around, confused.

"Where are we..?" he questioned aloud. Dashlie sighed.

"That's what I was wondering," the white-haired woman said. "Last time I recall, I'm pretty sure Duni was forcing us to go basket weaving and I attempted to drown myself but came back again."

"But look -" I said, pulling up my shirt to reveal my stomach, "no sword wound."

"Pull your shirt down, Don," Dashlie said, but Dick pulled his up as I pulled my down.

"Huh, you're right. I don't have an axe wound," he said. Dashlie sighed loudly.

"Please pull your shirt down, Dick." She then reached up and touched her face, blinking one of her eyes. "I have my skin back..!"

"And your hair," I commented, getting a dirty look from Dashlie.

Dick buttoned his cardigan up and adjusted his glasses, saying, "So, are we just going to stand around here all day or are we going to try and figure out where the hell are we?"

"Duni could be anywhere, too, for all we know," Dashlie said, a shiver going down her spine. She fixed her red sweater and balled her fists up determinedly. "We should get going asap if that's the case."

"But where do we go, exactly..?" Dick murmured, looking around. I pointed to the tree line.

"The forest, obviously," I say, and I head off without another word.


"When I came back to life, I can't say that I was expecting to be walking for three hours straight," Dashlie complained loudly, dragging her feet as we marched our way sluggishly through the woods.

"You were expecting to be brought back to life?" I said, raising my eyebrows in surprise. "Because I can't say I was. I was ready to drown myself after you when Duni invited us to go basket weaving."

"I as well," echoed Dick, making Dashlie roll her eyes.

"No, I'm saying that we've been walking for THREE HOURS STRAIGHT and haven't found a single person!" Dashlie shouted. I gestured to our surroundings.

"This is the forest," I say blatantly. "I don't know what you expected."

"Not to mention it's only been two hours and sixteen minutes," Dick corrected.

"Not to mention it's only been two hou- shut up, Dick, your voice is like sandpaper," Dashlie mocked and teased.

"Your outfit looks like sandpaper," Dick retaliated.

"Why you little-" And, oh, how I got caught in the crossfire. Dashlie reached across me suddenly and grabbed Dick by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to her, squishing me between them in the process. It was rather unpleasant to be suffocated, to say the least. Dashlie began shouting at Dick about something I didn't care. My new glasses were crooked, making everything disoriented and only making matters worse.

I eventually had enough and croaked out, "I only just came back to life a few hours ago, I don't want to go like this..."

Dashlie stopped and stepped back a little before looking back up at Dick and slapping his face. She huffed and stormed off, and Dick watched her walk away as rubbed his stinging cheek. "That was a bit of an overreaction, don't you think?" Dick muttered. "What's got her so worked up?"

"Probably the fact we've been walking for two hours straight," I say before quickly following after Dashlie.


Dashlie groaned for the thousandth time, and I couldn't help but feel her pain as well. My feet were sore from walking so long and my stomach cried for food. Unlike Dashlie, though, I kept my discomfort on the down-low. To be honest, I had expected for us to have come across some sort of civilization somewhere by now

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