dashlie library donchard

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Dashlie swept her way through the town, hugging her jacket close to her body as the cold whipped at her skin, stinging her eyes and forcing her to clamber through the snow to shelter. Finally, she reached the ruins of Hardlanding, splitting through the trees and breaking out into a sprint for the nearest building. The snow flurries around her seemed to grow in size and increase in speed, making her run faster. Finally, she reached the mansion, slamming the door behind her with a loud sigh.

"Dashlie!" Duni greeted, and she turned to see him smiling. The pug frowned quickly after, his gaze switching to the spaces beyond her shoulders. He furrowed his eyebrows and hummed. "Are Don and Dick not with you?"

Dashlie squinted. "What?" she said. "Why would they be with me? You sent me out on my own."

The pug looked down to the hardwood floor, the gears turning in his head. Suddenly, realization dawned on him, and he averted his gaze once more to Dashlie. "That's right! I think I left them to find something in the library. Mind fetching them for me?"

Dashlie stared at him a while longer before cackling and rolling her eyes. She couldn't help it. That was the stupidest thing she'd heard all day. "Absolutely not! I'm heading to my room..."

She wouldn't, though, for Duni had other plans. A swift movement startled her so badly, she nearly fell backwards onto the floor. Turning, the woman saw a sharp blade embedded in the wooden walls behind her. The woman swiveled to face Duni, anger and shock seeping into her bones. "What the fuck, Duni?!" she exclaimed. "You could've killed me!"

"I could've, but I didn't," the pug pointed out coldly. "You are going to go get Don and Dick for me. Is that clear?"

Dashlie refused to meet his burning, blue gaze. Even from the corners of her eyes, she could see his haunting expression. It unsettled her so much, she might as well seek comfort in the cold outside if she was heading back out anyways. The girl turned, zipping her jacket further up to preserve her body heat. "Fine," she spat, and she could practically feel the smile Duni gaze her.

"Thank you, Dashlie,"

The tension in the air never subsided until she was back outside.

"Stupid fucking mutt," she grumbled, tossing her hood over her head as she shivered. "Stupid Don. Stupid Dick. Stupid library. Stupid town. Stupid, stupid, stupid-"

Dashlie sighed as she entered the library. Though it wasn't much warmer there than it was outside, it was at least better then being in the snow storm. She glanced around, figuring she would've seen Dick or Don walking back to the door if Duni had been so quick to ask why they hadn't been with her. The two idiots were nowhere in sight, though. Dashlie rubbed her cold hands across her face with a grumble, really not wanting to go searching for them.

"Don? Richard?" she called, daring to venture further into the building. The dark, wooden walls groaned around her, as though the place were alive and on its last legs. The books covered in layers of dust surrounded her on every level, and the faded pictures of some ancient white men seemed to stare at her as she walked through. The place was, to put it bluntly, creepy.

Dashlie remembered the day she first entered this very building. It was right after Duni had chased the last person out of town. The place has been in much better shape than it was now. Without the upkeep, it's polished floors had begun to peel, and some books looked as though an animal of some kind used its pages for a nest of some sorts.

It was rather saddening, and the woman forced herself not to dwell on what could've become of this place had Duni never gotten his filthy paws on it. She shook her head and continued on through the library, searching for her stupid friends. The problem was, she had no clue where to even start.

Suddenly, a thud startled her, but she was unsure if it was due to a piece of furniture falling as its last legs failed or if it were a rabid animal. Dashlie could've guessed, though, that it might've been Don or Dick, and so she cautiously moved through the aisle, reaching for her knife in case it really was a rabid animal.

As she inched closer, the floorboards creaked softly beneath her, making her heart rate steadily rise as tension built. She could hear breathing, and it only freaked her out more. Slowly, steadily, she continued, her ears straining to hear over the whining of the wind. She then stopped, hearing shuffling. Gripping her knife, she readied herself, shifting into position, and she pounced around the corner.

Her knife clattered the floor.


The man's eyes suddenly shot to hers and widened. "D-DASHLIE??"

The frail chair beneath him snapped, and with him brought down Don. Dashlie stared at the two on the floor, absolutely bewildered. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" she exclaimed, unable to express her shock.

She would never get that stupid image out of her mind. Of course. It had to be her to see it. Don and Richard making out. Right there. In the library.

Don groaned as he rolled off of Richard and sat up, rubbing his head. "What the...?" His gaze found Dashlie's, and his eyes widened in shock. "Oh, fuck! Shit! Uh- Hey!"

Richard scrambled to his feet, his face beat red. "Dashlie! Please, wait! It's not what it looks like!"

"It looks like you and Don were

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